Hey, was just googling around and came across this forum, was wondering if any of you have a solution for a memory clip that broke.
One of my 2gb ram sticks in the GT627 died, and in the process of taking it out, i managed to break the extremely cheap crappy bendy plastic clips that was holding it in, anyways, obviously i can't fit another stick back in there to replace it, and it's really slowed my computer down since i upgraded to win7 ultimate.
One idea i was suggested was to stick a new card in using tape...but i'm kinda worried about the heat, surely that would melt the tape? i've noticed my cpu and graphics card hit 70c while just playing flash games :/
I can supply a picture if needed!
Oh also, i've read various sites claiming that the mobo can only handle 2gb max per slot, is this just a recommendation? or a physical limit?
You can upgrade it to 2x4GB with no problem. Anyway the rams are fitted with metal clips not plastic.
it's plastic on mine, there are metal brackets that the stupid bendy plastic held in place. i'll take a pic and show you
mainly curious about having 4gb in a single slot, so i can swap out the remaining 2gb and just go with a single 4gb card.
The white plastic as you can see is holding the working ram in place, and you literally have to bend it to get it out, which snapped when i got the broken ram outta the 2nd slot -.-. as soon as that plastic isn't holding the ram in place, it gets pushed out, so it won't work without being held in firmly. tape might do it, but i'm afraid it'll melt with the heat! -
mindinversion Notebook Evangelist
I have never seen this. . . .
Simple fix: [requires broken plastic piece] Superglue it back on, then find a small, hard, thin piece of plastic and superglue THAT onto the original crack if you're worried about reinforcing it.
Less simple fix: Remove the metal clip? It can't eject if it's not there. This may cause issues with your ram needing to be secured some other way to keep it from popping out.
As to the heat question, I would think [THINK] that it should stay relatively cool. I'm not about to pull the bottom of my notebook apart and feel them while the thing is on, but they're not like CPU/GPU which perform calculation and produce vast amounts of heat. they also use significantly [understatement of the year] less voltage than a CPU/GPU has access to. -
This is Weird. Mine has only the metal pieces, no plastic around it.
Yeah, i'd say try repair the bank, although getting a 1x4Gb stick will do you fine, and you can keep the 2's as spares.
I've just noticed that the metal clips aren't in the place where they should be. In my laptop it grabs the ram module at the half-round places, near where yours. Strange.
I already lost the broken bits -.- this actually happened a few months ago! .
it's a bit ridiculous, though, right? gotta bend plastic to get the ram out? just screams cheap production.
i may go for that 4gb single stick option, as long as it works! but i just pray the other clips don't break in the process.
Oh while i'm here, i'm curious about why my laptop is suddenly getting heated up so fast. like, if i'm playing flash games, i hit 70c easily. and playing something like league of legends, which should be fairly easy for the gt627 to handle, it hits like 90c? i have no idea if that's pretty normal for a laptop, however! but could this just be due to upgrading to win7 64bit ultimate, from vista 32 bit? guess that would hit the laptop hard, especially with less ram to handle it.
Thanks very much for your advicei'll let you know how it goes.
have you cleaned your fans out lately as in open it up remove and clean
also a fresh application of thermal paste maybe in order.
True that dave, one thing the MSI books suffered from was massive amounts of dust building along the inner HS Vents, removing the fan off showed me an apserlute truck full of dust blocking the air from flowing adequately!
Fan off and a blast of compressed air and your temps should dive! -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Fit module in and secure down with electrical tape, job's a gooden.
So i went with 2x2gb option, and taped the loose stick in with electrical tape, hopefully it'll hold, if not, i think it might be okay, simply because the case will block it from popping out too far, not safe, but working!
I tried to go about cleaning my fan, but there's a damned metal plate over the top of it that has no obvious ways to remove, i'm not sure how i'm going to get in there without breaking it off -.- i don't think it even does anything, lol. i'll try get a pic of that in a bit. -
Remove the complete cooling system. And there are 3 screws on the other side of the fan.
GT627 memory clip fix
Discussion in 'MSI' started by MrAwesome, Dec 4, 2011.