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    GT627 cam problem

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Bash22, May 13, 2009.

  1. Bash22

    Bash22 Newbie

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    I bought my GT627 a couple of months ago, and frankly, ever since I got it, I haven't been able to "View my cam" in Windows Live Messenger. Strangely though, when I made a video call, the cam would work.
    However, I tried it recently, and even when making a video call, the cam does not show up. I tried a lot of things. First I thought I'd update drivers, and it was impossible. The cam is built in, using some really old windows driver. Then I read on some forum that unplugging all USB devices, restarting the laptop, and then attempting to use it would work, but unfortunately it did not.

    My knowledge and expertise with computers is average if not lower, so I thought I'd ask some true experts. I would really appreciate if anyone can get my cam to work with MSN.

    Thank you.

    EDIT: I somehow got it to work. Thanks anyways.
  2. RePaRaQu

    RePaRaQu One name. One legend.

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    make sure SCM is installed and you have activated the cam function trough the touch panel.
  3. KonstantinDK

    KonstantinDK Notebook Evangelist

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    Had same problem - then figured it out. Open crazy talk. Then all your other programs should work. Crazy talk works like filter. Ex.: you can make your face bigger or insert virtual glasses on crazytalk, and in all other programs(yahoo, skype), you will see the modified picture. Not original.

    When I did fresh install 64 bit, I had no crazytalk, and my skype worked just fine. Try uninstalling crazytalk if you don't want to always have it open. I'm not sure if it'll work, though.

    P.S. Try writing down the licence of crazytalk or smth. it's actually a nice full-feature app. May be usefull later.