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    GT60 Brightness/Gamma Gain ISSUE while unplugged

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by SunSurfH2O, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. SunSurfH2O

    SunSurfH2O Notebook Enthusiast

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    I had the GT60 2OD-026US and now the 3K Pro Dominator version of this line. Both exhibit a gain issue when I'm unplugged. Think in terms of when you're looking at the monitor display on a camera that is recording video, that has been set to auto exposure, and you swing it from a light to dark area and vice versa. As the iris opens or closes on the camera to deal with the light, it does so in increments. Consequently, you'll see the screen on the back of the camera brighten or darken, depending on which direction you swung it, in steps.

    On both these computer systems, when I'm running on battery and I am watching a video that goes from a very dark scene to a very light/white background, I will see the greys brightening towards white. Similarly, when my desktop background is set to color black and I alternate between my desktop and a browser window with say a blank white background--e.g. Google Search--I will observe the same phenomenon... the display will brighten incrementally till the greyish-white turns to bright-white.

    Smartphones set to auto-brightness will adjust to ambient light changes. Some newer computers utilize the Adaptive Brightness function to do the same. This is not that since firstly, these systems don't come equipped with this function and secondly, it has nothing to do with the ambient light but rather the color of what is displayed on screen. This is also nothing to do with brightness settings within Win 8 that detects power source. It's 100% repeatable and only happens when computer runs on battery.

    I've been back and forth with MSI on the issue, sent the first GT60 in for repair and they claim they cannot repeat it and have no idea what I'm talking about even though I took the time to record a video of it happening. I thought it was a bad GPU or sysboard until I received my 3K Dominator and observed the same behavior.

    Anyone else notice this issue??? Is this a battery saving feature all the systems have (but for some reason MSI tech isn't aware of), some type of dynamic toning to utilize less juice when on battery? I labeled this Brightness AND Gamma because it seems to me there is a shift in gamma at the same time the brightness drops. This is happening independent of the brightness adjustment for the monitor. When it dims I cannot force it to brighten back using that control.