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    GT60 2PE GTX 970m fan going full speed randomly

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by panamaniacs2011, Aug 14, 2016.

  1. panamaniacs2011

    panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist

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    Hello !!

    Upgraded to an msi gtx 970m from gtx 880m. i love this card, my laptop is much more cooler now , but i have one problem that i did not had before, the fan randomly goes full speed , even when the card temperature is low , im getting idle temps of 60 degrees , and full load im getting around 80 degrees , when i use turbo fan idle temps drop to 49 degrees and 75 degrees full load. today i repasted the gpu and the same thing happens , all of the sudden without running any game or doing anything fan goes full speed. i modded the kepler heatsink and this is what it looks like.


    any ideas?

    PD: the card upgrade was plug and play, didnt had to mod any driver.