Hi all.
I recently have upgraded my GTX770m to a GTX970m, successufully.
I was enjoying my new config laptop when yesterday the PC turned off.
Breifly appeared a BSOD, but didnt had time to read.
So, i started to try to turn the laptop on.
Nothing to do.
A search told be that possibly the motherboard is fried.
Ok, once i've calmed down, which solution?
I thought about this one, buy a barebone and move the inner components to the barebone.
I mean, if i get the same "empty" laptop i should be able to extract CPU, RAM, HHDs, VGA, and move em to the barebone, with no sufferings.
What do you think?
CPU: Haswell i7 4700HQ (i think), RAM 8 Gb, VGA GTX970m (6 Gb), 1 SSD, 1 HDD
On eBay there are two interesting barebones:
-> http://www.ebay.com/itm/MSI-GT70-Ga...151883?hash=item33bb07548b:g:NfUAAOSwI-BWMrA1
- this is exactly the same laptop i have.
-> http://www.ebay.com/itm/201619747505?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
- In this case there is something different, but the most is the same.
Well, do you think that my CPU, RAM, VGA could be installed on this second one?
In fact seems that just the chipset is different. MH77 for the second one, instead of a MH87.
There are about 400 Dollars in price difference.
Yes, the first comes with gtx980m, and i have already a good card, a gtx970m.
So, i think the second one could fine for me.
Ok, tell qhat you think about this.
And thank you for your attention.
Seems that MH77 just supports Ivy Bridge Cpus, and not haswell...
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GT-70 Rebirth on a barebone?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Rodtek, Jul 15, 2016.