Hi there,
Has anyone been able to get any kind of 5.1 audio working via the HDMI connection?
I plug the HDMI connection into my audio receiver however it only gives me the option of 2 channel stereo. I suspect this maybe windows detecting the receiver setup incorrectly. All audio plays as stereo. The realtek audio card doesn't appear to detect the HDMI port at all. My assumption being that the HDMI port is connected to the motherboard and "driven" by the intel display driver.
I have attempted to "bitstream" audio out via HDMI (which should just send the audio to the receiver and ignore whatever windows dectects)- but this still doesn't seem to work.
Is it even possible to put this kind of audio out via HDMI on the GT70? Or is it limited due to the fact it's via the intel driver and not the Realtek?
Thanks in advance.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Have you gone through the HDMI audio options in the sound panel? Can you post some screenshots of the settings?
Okay that is quite helpful - so it is possible. Here is a capture of my sound setup:
My receiver is an Onkyo which gets detected by windows as a 2 channel device (TX-SR605). I read somewhere this is because windows is picking up the speakers on the TV that the receiver is attached to. I guess I will focus on trying to get windows to pick this up as 5.1 device.
I had thought that by bitsreaming out to the receiver it would ignore the speaker setup and just let the receiver do all the work.
Thanks heaps. -
It's most likely your Onkyo receiver is set to Stereo instead of 5.1 surround.
My Bose receiver also has such settings to change from 2 Speakers or Surround 5.1. -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
I'm connected:
1. Laptop via hdmi to 1st hdmi port on Receiver
2. Second hdmi port on receiver to TV
What's interesting is that my receiver has an "HDMI Monitor" yes/no setting. This is supposed to be set to "yes" if you are using the hdmi pass video to a TV. If it's set to no then no image is passed onto the TV however, Windows then allows me to set 5.1 as the speaker setup. Unfortunately that means I can't see anything via the TV! That's what makes me think it's windows detecting the TV speakers. -
There should be a port mark HDMI Out and that's the one that suppose to go to your TV. -
Yes this crossed my mind when I was re-reading the manual to find out what the monitor setting was for.... Will check this out! Away at the moment so will check in a few days when I get back home and let you know. Thanks for the help
I have resolved this issue! Just in case anybody else was experiencing this problem, I will quickly post the answer.
It was nothing to do with my laptop. It was caused by my AV receiver passing audio via the "HDMI OUT" connection. This caused windows to detect the stereo only speakers on my TV and thus only give me 2 channel stereo as an option.The receiver (Onkyo TX-SR605) had an "HDMI Audio Out" setting which I disabled. After this, windows correctly detected the receivers audio options and i was allowed to select 5.1, 7.1 etc etc.
Cheers! -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the follow up, DaddyJ!
GT-70 ONC 5.1 Audio via HDMI port
Discussion in 'MSI' started by DaddyJ, Mar 11, 2013.