Looking for some suggestions for upgrading this machine.
Looking to spend roughly 500-700 on gpu/cpu upgrades.
What are my options ?
Best combo for the dollar?
I have updated to latest bios/firmware but it does not list compatible procs.
3rd gen i7 work ?
What version MxM ?
have there been changes to this slot?
I believe I have a 150W p/s does this limit my upgrade options?
Lots on q's there, some may be relevant some not.
Any help would be appreciated.
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
IMO you should sell the GT780 and together with the $700 you're willing to spend on upgrades put towards a new notebook with the hardware you desire.
Your motherboard is over 2 years old and most likely your GT780 is out of warranty.
Your screen is another big ticket item that is aging.
Your heatsink and power supply would also need to be changed to support GTX770M or HD 7970M
i7 CPUs upgrades from the i7 2630QM are 2670QM,2720QM,2760QM,2820QM,2860QM,2920XM and 2960XM.
3rd generation i7 CPUs are not compatible.
GT 780R Upgrade Options
Discussion in 'MSI' started by sector7g, Sep 30, 2013.