Hey, i recently upgraded my Win to 7 Ultimate x64,
but am having some problems updating my drivers, namely graphics, sound, SD card, webcam and bluetooth...
The ATI drivers i can update to a point but the CCC doesnt work when i try and load it so i can configure profiles...
And i cant seem to find a driver for my webcam, it works fine some times, then it lags to hell, then its not working at all, then its working again... really frustrating.
Any help would be gladly appreciated!
I usually get a prompt telling me that the drivers are not supported in this version of windows.
So what i am really asking is where can i get x64 drivers?
Also when i tried to update my BIOS through the later version released on the msi global page for GT 729 it also said application not supported in x64...
To rephrase im having some compatibility issues, and would like to find drivers compatible with my current system? -
Bios should be updated in dos mode not in the operating system. See my 1651 guide on how to update the bios but insert your gt729 bios in place of the 1651.
As for the drivers insert the driver cd and go to my computer right click your cd drive and hit explore. Go to the driver folders that you need and right click the setup file in each folder and click properties and set the compatibility to vista mode.
Gonna need help with the radeon drivers from another member though, I don't have any experience with ccc -
I will try that.
One last question, will that solve the x64 problem or will i be using x86 drivers?
Also, is there a site for ATI such as laptop2video for Nvidia? -
Edit: little digging around and I found this
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showpost.php?p=5571886&postcount=10 -
Get the latest ati drivers and use mobility modder for modding, first extract the driver pack to the respective directory x:/ati/support. then cancel the installation.
Open mobility modder and select the driver destination, click modify and the GPU drivers should work with your graphics card.
GT 729 win7 x64 Driver Problems
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Umbranox, Jan 20, 2010.