My new GT 70 (GTX780) produces this crappy picture on my (relatively old, but working) LCD TV. My other Notebook work flawlessly with the same TV and the same cable...
What should i do? Any Suggestions?
this picture is suposed to be my desktop with the red MSI Wallpaper :/
In the NVIDIA Control Panel my TV is detecte with the right resolution...
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Since the HDMI is routed to the Intel chip: have you updated the Intel HD driver?
Also, what make and model are your TV and the notebook that works when outputting to it? -
No i left everything stock since i got the notebook yesterday
I thought the Video outputs are routed through the GTX 780m card...thats why the notebook can handle 4 Displays at once?
The TV is a FUNAI and the other laptop is an Acer 3820g with stock drivers and ATI graphics card. Its from 2009 if i remember right! -
Maybe you can try download and install the newer Intel HD Graphics driver here:
MSI Global â Download Center -
I thought that is incorrect. The HDMI ports is jacked DIRECTLY to the 780m. Any external display doesnt touch the IGP at all. Thats why when cloning, you will get a slight slight slight lag on the LCD from the TV due to it being a longer pipe to get the image to the LCD vs right to the HDMI.
First thing I would do if change TV and HDMI cable. Ive seen TV's sometimes freak out like that before. That way you can see if it is indeed the TV being stupid before spending hours into doing things with the laptop.
**** yeah just checked with our Nvidia engineer contact.
"The HDMI, Displayport and VGA port do not at all get routed through the IGP. Those ports are a direct contact to the 780/770m. The only thing that pipes through the IGP is the laptop display" -
I got a brand new BenQ GW2250HM Monitor and a new HDMI 1.4 Cable today:
The computer recognizes the BenQ Display, but The Monitor Says: No cable detected (although its connected via HDMI). Then i tried connecting it via VGA and it worked flawlessly!
Then i installed the latest NVIDIA Driver (326.xx Beta...reported working with 780M, of course after a proper uninstall of the old driver) but still no HDMI output
I will now try updating the Intel graphics driver....any other/further suggestions? im THIS short of reinstalling Windows....
installed the driver from Gentechs link: still no HDMI output
What are my possibilities now? since i bought the machine 2 days ago im still in DOA...or should i just RMA the notebook? -
update #2:
everything works fine using the VGA output! NVCP says that the VGA output is also routed through the Intel that true? This would mean that theres something wrong with my graphics card... -
Update #3:
After calling the msi Headquarters, I RMA'd my Gt70 today...i hope it gets picked up soon. As it is still in the DOA period, i will most likely get a new one...hopefully again with a Plextor M5M!
Thanks for the help though, folks! -
Thats your best bet. Seems your HDMI is fried then. Honestly I have had no issues with it. I mean plugged it into all sorts of different TV's and it worked on all of them. My guess is the 780m is faulty.
GT 70 2OD: HDMI Problem...please help!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by domi1711, Aug 1, 2013.