Hello people ..
Just checked internet and there are nice silver and red GS70 coming up
Silver is very nice ..
Prostar Computer Company Representative
We have the crimson one in. It's a good looking laptop.
The red one definitely looks better. At least on the pictures.
I think the silver and crimson both look amazing. I'd love to get one, just not sure about the temps. I'll have to wait for some people to kick the tires.
These look pretty slick, how much more do these go for?
Where can I buy one? I really want the silver one!
Silver one looks AMAZING ! I WANT IT !
Here's the red one :/
MSI-GS70 2QE 011CZ Stealth Pro Red Edition | Alzashop.com
... just a "little" bit expensive((
Silver one looks really amazing and premium :3
I hope the Silver Edition makes its way to U.S. resellers. Any info from XoticPC, ProStar, GentechPC, or MSI on that?
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
I' m not one who cares all that much about colors as long as it's not god awful but do like to kick the tires and lift the hood.
Watching YouTube video reviews I get most excited when the bottom cover comes off and I see what's really important.
I like to know about all the hardware residing in the notebook not just the CPU and GPU.
I don't like these new models that need the mainboard removed to get at slots where I might want to add or change parts. -
I had black laptops only, getting tired of it..
Red looks like it is going to burn ..
Silver looks like is freezingbut silver gets scratchy easily..
Inside laptop , well i this msi, RAM is not accessible straight away .. shame .. yeah .. but this guy managed to open it in 5-6 mins .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PitR1QFZ91c
PS: Soon or later even RAM or SSD will be soldered onto MB .. It will be like with smartphones you will have plenty versions to choose like
various i7 CPUs
8GB RAM with 256GB SSD or
16GB RAM with 512GB SSD or
32GB RAM with 1TB SSD .. -
any updates on silver?
pax australia had the red/silver on display... but i cant find anyone who went that got the specs
https://www.facebook.com/msiaus/photos/pcb.907549779279287/907548585946073/?type=1&theater -
I will be getting silver
GS70 Red and Silver - Gorgeous
Discussion in 'MSI' started by GalaxySII, Oct 17, 2014.