Hey guys,
I just got this beautiful laptop. However, in CSGO, I'm only getting around 140-160 fps on ALL LOW settings, playing on windowed mode with resolution 1680x1050.
I'm sure I have updated all my drivers and made sure that I was running on high performance mode with Sports mode on. I checked nvidia control center to make sure that my gpu was running when the game was on. But I still can't seem to get above 200 fps with everything on low even though the videos I've seen on youtube, people have been getting 150-170fps on high settings with almost the same specs as me.
Any suggestions or information would be great.
Specs: gtx 970m, 8gb ram, i7-6700hq,
What is the benefit of >200fps?
Why dont you try fullscreen mode and plug in the adapter to see if your fps going up -
My charger is always in. And tried with fullscreen but still same results. I prefer to play in window anyway. -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
If you're using NVidia GeForce Experience, disable it or remove it.
And how does the game fare in high settings? -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
That player has a different CPU, a different chipset, possibly different drivers, etc. You can play around with drivers to an extent. Some have reported seeing slightly better frame rates in games with Haswell or Broadwell CPUs than with Skylake; it could be an optimization issue with the game. Lots of variables, but I really don't think there's anything truly wrong with your system. -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
(It's a nice system, in any case.)
You can try different NVidia drivers. Take a look at your utilization, too; if you're peaking, then there's not much you can do. If not, then alternate drivers are worth looking into. -
How do I check if I'm peaking, sorry to ask. :/ -
( http://imgur.com/emtilP9) Is there something wrong? please help.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Have you tried different drivers? Made sure your NVidia Control Panel 3D settings are set for "Performance" rather than "auto-select"? And if you have NVidia GeForce Experience turned on, you might want to disable that or remove it and try again.
GS60 6QE ghost pro low fps in csgo?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Xta-c, May 20, 2016.