Doing a CPU/GPU repaste. As you can see the thermal pads around the GPU were stuck on very tight and thus torn when I removed the heatsink (those around the CPU are fine and stayed in one piece). What should I do now:
1) Clean all the torn pads and apply thermal paste (non-conductive CM Mastergel Maker) to all the rectangular chipsets (is that the correct term?), as I would for the CPU/GPU.
2) Just do the CPU/GPU and leave the torn pads as is.
3) Other suggestions? Thanks!
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Replace the thermal pads, though you will want to determine the thickness of the pads which might be in service manual or perhaps a member here could get you that information.
Dunno where to get them TBH, and as you said also the thickness. What's the second best thing I could do?
Obviously if I just put the heatsink back on there will be gaps between the torn pad-interface. What if I don't remove the pads and just apply a small amount (tiny dot) of my 11W/mk non-conductive thermal paste onto each rectangle, that way the paste will bridge the gaps between the torn pad-interface? -
Not generally a good idea. Amazon/ebay has plenty of thermal pads
Best thing to do is figure out what your thermal pad sizes are and purchase them, if your machine isnt used in immediate production that would be for the best instead of rushing it. -
I don't live in a country that has access to ebay/Amazon unfortunately. And I quite want to use the laptop since I just bought it. I don't think there will be any downside of CM mastergel filling the thermal pads interface, its not like they'll react right?
I'm debating between doing my idea and just leaving the pads be and just close the heatsink. BTW what are those black rectangles? Chipset? Part of the GPU? -
Its not simply about having thermal paste on those surfaces, the pads create resistance to the heatsink in most cases, no pads = no resistance = potential lopsided heatsink.
Those are VRAM modules
But it doesnt sound like your going to take the safe route, best of luck I guess lol -
Well the two fans on either side actually dictate the entire heatsink's being even, I may have to tighten the four screws on the GPU to ensure good contact of the GPU and heatsink if that's what you're referring to.
Guess I'm just gona yolo it and go with my theorycrafting of tiny amounts of paste between pads and hopes it works out XDDD -
They are not torn..
Its just a thicker thermal paste, that behaves like a jam, if you use thermal paste, you will need to use a LOT on each VRAM, inductor and MOSFET, because that thermal goop is bridging a 0,5 to 1mm gap..
If you really can't get thermal pads where you live, use a fine tweezer and try to put as much squeezed out thermal "goop" on the top of each chip, so it will be spread again when you put the heatsink back on. -
GL73 Torn Thermal Pads
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Valour549, Jun 18, 2019.