7700HQ, 16GB RAM, GTX 1070. Bought it a week ago, and the temps seem kinda crazy. On Gears of War 4 my CPU averages 84°, max 87°, and on battlefield one 85°, max 90°. Undervolted to -115,2 with Throttlestop, laptop is raised and has room to blow out air. Performance honestly is fine, I'm always around 100fps more or less, it's just the temperatures that worry me.
This is sort of idle, just Chrome opened.
While this is during a bench.
I opened this thread just to ask if everything was working properly, or if something was off. I'd like to enable Speedshift, but I'm not quite sure which values to insert. I also don't get why when benching FID locks to 34, shouldn't it be 38 since my CPU can go to 3.8Ghz? I'm kinda new to PC, any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You need to repaste your notebook with something like ICDiamond. Also the idle temps are normal, it all depends on what the fan profiles are set at and what the target temps are. Unless youi have loud fans on chrome with 60c+ u're fine.
The 38 multiplier is only available when a single core is active. When all 4 cores are active, the maximum multiplier drops to 34. This is what it shows you in the FIVR Turbo Ratio Limits area.
If you want to try Speed Shift go into the TPL window and enable it. For Min and Max you can use Min = 8 and Max = 38. Some people leave the Min set at 1 but that does not make any difference. Same for Max. Some people leave it set to 255. A 7700HQ can only run so fast so it will top out at 38 whether this is set to 38 or 255 or any number between those two values.
After Speed Shift is enabled, you should see SST in green on the main ThrottleStop screen. You can now edit the Speed Shift - EPP value. Use 0 for maximum performance, somewhere between 80 and 128 for a Balanced profile which will force the CPU to down clock when lightly loaded. Keep increasing the EPP value to turn your laptop into slow and sluggish mode. 255 is the max for this setting. Do not be afraid to play around with this setting. Your CPU looks like it is running better than most of the 7700HQ line.
Intel says anything below 100°C is a safe operating temperature. If this temperature was not safe,it would be easy enough for Intel to lower the thermal throttling temperature. The vast majority of their CPUs built during the last decade are all set to 100°C so if Intel is not worried, you should not worry either. Your laptop manufacturer lowered this to 95°C so you have some extra head room. Your CPU will throttle hard and slow down to a crawl before it gets close to 100°C. No need to repaste anything as long as your CPU can maintain maximum performance without throttling.Kibido likes this. -
Just have another quick question for Throttlestop. Usually When I turned my laptop on, Throttlestop would automatically open, however I had to manually click on "Turn On" to actually make it start working on the CPU. I must've touched something because suddenly when I turn on my computer it's already active. Is there any setting for this that I might've missed? Thanks.
GE72MVR, yet another high temperatures thread
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Kibido, Aug 26, 2018.