I intend to make a clean install on my GE63 Raider because i buy a new SSD, i will follow the advices of the clean install topic.
But i want to solve the problem of thermal/power throttling:
-Do you know a beginner tutorial/guide up to date? And if i do the undervolt is there any MSI software not to install (or disable something like turbo boost...)
I want to update the BIOS any advices? Is it better to update the bios before undervolt? Before or after windows install?
Thanks for your help and advices
Welcome to the GE 63 Raider club! I have a 7RE/F
Undervolting can in some cases make things misbehave.
For safety's sake I'd do BIOS updates it before you start fiddling with undervolt/oc. 100/100 should be fine even if you undervolt, but if you do it at 100% stock it rules out any changes if there is a problem (there wont be I promise)
MSI Dragon Center is bloat now, don't reinstall.
Throttlestop guide - on this very forum, get latest version.
There are good "how to" vids on youtube. Dont try to do too much at once.
MSI afterburner is a must for graphics undervolt (use 4.6 beta)
hope this helps! -
I want to add my new ssd, this is a 960evo Sata M2 but i can't add my new ssd in the same time with my older ssd, a PCI Express Kingston.
I try each ssd in each port and this work but with 2 ssd i boot directly in Bios and storage info tell me all port are empty -
install your new drive in main slot, build clean windows on it then install old drivbe in second slot. I had to do that to get both working together. It is strange.....
Wow this is really strange, i think the 2scd ssd was like the HDD.
And if i install clean windows on my older ssd do u think the 2 ssd working or your tips is mandatory? -
I try to make a clean install on the sata m2 860 evo but I can't see my pcie ssd
Edit:there is a way for m2 ssd disable my second ssd port? -
no M2 shouldn't disable anything. I'd remove/ disconnect all drives then build one at a time.
Remember to adjust boot properties in bios or it wont be seen... -
Do u think there is only boot properties to change? I will try again
If someone see this thread i have:
-1st SSD (the old): NVME PCIE3 https://imgur.com/AKxi4wn
-2nd SSD (the new): Samsung 860 Evo 500Go Sata M.2
results after tests:
-Nvme ssd on PCIE3 port and 860 evo on Combo port => Boot on 860 and Nvme is empty
-Nvme solo on PCIE3 or Combo port=> work perfectly
-860 solo on Combo port => work perfectly
-860 solo on PCIE3 => empty and i think this is normalLast edited: Dec 22, 2018 -
-The 2ssd nvme=Kingston and sata=samsung => https://imgur.com/a/UjYW4k1
-The 2 ssd slots => https://imgur.com/a/PYAKsCv
-1st test kingston on pcie/sata and samsung on pcie = can't boot => https://imgur.com/a/PGbiI5y
-2scd test kingston on pcie and samsung on pcie/sata = boot on the samsung ssd => https://imgur.com/a/tg5RLAz
-Only the Kingston on pcie/sata and pcie = boot OK for both slots => https://imgur.com/a/k5uIWB4
-Only the Samsung on pcie/sata and pcie = boot OK for pcie/sata but can't for pcie => https://imgur.com/a/8TV85qN
-My BIOS and EC Firmware => https://imgur.com/a/km86c8Q -
just a thought ... have you checked samsung magician to see if there is a firmware updtae for your saamsung ?
Have you installed the NVME 3.0 driver from samsung ?
Just thought, you are running in ACHI mode in bios ? -
And yes I'm in ACHI -
Lots of the drivers in the above thread can be used on our Raiders.... it is kept up to date regularly and usually better than the MSI pages on their site, effectively my "go to" driver check place lol.
Start with the drivers on there (yes the NVME 3.0 Samsung driver is there and will work - it wont bother your other drive) -
odd... it should work
Last edited: Dec 28, 2018Stldudez likes this. -
both of your ssd are sata m.2, will only work in the combo slot.
check this: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/a4kczw/i_made_this_diagram_to_help_reduce_confusion/ -
Thanks for the link but i don't understand, if my both ssd are sata m.2 and only work in the combo slot why my old ssd can work on my both slots (pcie and the combo slot) ? -
Combo slot works with m.2 sata and pcie(nvme) sata. Combo slot can work with 2 technologies, taht's why it is called combo.
The kingston ssd that you showed in the images is sata m.2, because it has 2 cutouts, not pcie nvme. You can use 2x pcie m.2 but not 2x sata m.2
EDIT: i found this ssd with 2 cutouts too: https://www.amazon.fr/Corsair-Force-MP300-480GB-NVMe-SSD/dp/B07D9FFYS4
Sorry if the problem is obvious but i don't understand -
I know that some years ago, brands did pcie drives with two cutouts which don't work great in all boards and cut the bandwith in half, leading to pcie x2. Maybe your ssd is one of those old ones.
I think the problem is here because i have the problem only when i try to use the both ssd in the same time. I try to contact msi support but they are really slow to make an answer :/
This should only happen if the pci lanes are all used, and should not be. Have you tried to appy optimal settings in bios after installing both ssds, and disable fast boot?
I try with/without all the settings
Someone advised me to clone or copy the disk and install it on the other ssd. He talked about bad MBR on one of the disks. I will try soon -
That used to happen in 2.5" SSDs, didn't knew it could happen too in m.2 drives. But since the bios doesn't recognise the drive, it shouldn't be that.
Try to turn off fast boot. Disabling it will force the bios to scan every drive. -
I have already tried but I will try again.
I think that when there is the Samsung on the combo slot, the pcie slot turns off
I do not see the kingston in the bios and even on windows -
The only way I got around this was by not using the included Kinston drive, and buying 2x pcie m.2 drives -
There is not a way to use the Kingston drive, a 2.5" drive, and a pcie M.2 drive all at once.
So I bought 2x M.2 pcie drives that worked fine with a 2.5" SATA drive also. I am not using the Kingston drive that came with the laptop.
GE63 Raider 8RF CPU Undervolting & BIOS Update
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Elocau, Dec 22, 2018.