I have just bought a Apache pro laptop and the GTX1060 card crashes to a black screen with a terrible noise after just 5 min of gameplay. This is on all graphic settings of the games from low to high. Also happens on all my games ( Farcry 4, Black ops etc ).
If I turn of the GeForce card and play on the onboard card it works on low settings.
I've reinstalled all latest drivers with no luck.
any ideas ????
Hi Robin
Have you upgraded to latest firmware/Bios etc ?
Sounds like you have a borked GeForce driver install. Sometimes "reinstall" F's up.
There is a "Pain Free" way to make sure things are installed properly. I know - I thought I knew it all as well BUT then I found this video:
It solved a lot of problems for me and I even gained performance.
Also - Turn off "Automatically install driver updates from windows" -
that can screw a lot of things up.
Too late and too tired to write more atm, but let me know how you get on with this and I can give you a whole lot of optimisation stuff.
It is a fantastic machine but you have to fettle it a little. MSI does install a lot of unnecessary bloat.
Do me a small favour
Go into the Dragon Center App (looks like a red blob)
Go into the MSI helpdesk part of Dragon Center , (Under Tools and Help)
Then export your system info to a text file.
Once done attach the file here, and I can have a look.
It gives a good overview of what's going on with your system driver wise. -
GE62VR 7RF crashes after 5 min of Game play
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Robin Basson, Nov 30, 2017.