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    FrostyPC auctions legit? Specs seem off...

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by kevin071586, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. kevin071586

    kevin071586 Notebook Consultant

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    Hey guys, I'm looking at the GX620 "Turbo Gaming notebook" on ebay from FrostyPC. I checked his website, but I am still having the same confusion.

    For some reason I am having a hard time figuring out what is actually in the computer. Ram for instance is listed as "GB x 2 DDR2 667/800". Is it 667 or is it 800?

    For the operating system, it says "Windows Vista Home Premium/ XP compatible." It also says a little bit lower in the specs that the operating system is "Windows Vista." Does it come with an OS or just drivers? Does it come with both? (Some manufacturers do ship both with XP as a 'downgrade option').

    It looks like a good deal to me but i'm just a little skeptical about this seller. I've compared similar notebooks on XoticPC and PowerPro but they just don't compare. They come in a nicer, more professional looking chasis though. I wonder if XoticPC would pricematch their Force PC with this similarly spec'd MSI from Frosty?

  2. cutterjohn

    cutterjohn Notebook Evangelist

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    A link would be handy, but from what I've seen from the last few days of poking around looking at the JFL90 and MS-1651, avadirect seems to have the best "face value" MSI product and option pricing while failing miserably in compal (JFL90) pricing. i.e. they beat y virtue of customiation everyone else on the MSI while having high prices for less on the JFL90 as in I can't build a JFL90 on their site w/OS 4GB, etc. for what I can get it from say cyperpower for the 7800 which has even mor extra "useless" goodies, e.g. carrying case, t-shirt, misc. games, etc. (If avadirect will camel trade on the MSI it could be a good deal... but if they don't see below.)

    Sorry no easy click link as this site is gay about URL linking until you spam out 15 posts, apparently even IF it's a link to their own domain (***?!).

    Beyond that if you just really gotta have it now, it seems to me that the cyberpower xplorer 7800 is the best "face" value deal overall unles the vendors will haggle, but all of the others will need to do ALOT of haggling to match it...

    (I'm not sold on DDR3 v. DDR2 real world performance yet in notebook configs and am still digging through the 1651 and Sager 2096 threads for feedback regarding this. One thing that I DO like offhand is the Al case of the MSI, but again still digging through the threads for info on build quality and durability of casing Al v. polycarbonate.)

    That ATI Radeon Mobility 3850 SOUNDS really nice, but 17" LCD... wish that it had a 15.4" or less option as 17" is a boat anchor, not a notebook...

    Anyways, planning on calling the various vendors tomorrow and seeing if they will be flexible in pricing considering various options and if they are I plan to order something tomorrow, otherwise I might like a boat anchor for $100 or so more... then again, maybe not... (17" is a HUGE size difference...)
  3. kevin071586

    kevin071586 Notebook Consultant

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    My bad, I meant to post a link:

    It sounds like you are in the same boat as me. I kept looking at the NP5793 from Sager, but it is just too big. It is a nice looking laptop for a good deal, but I want something a bit lighter. The MSI 1651 looks like it has some pretty good battery life, plus I like the option of having a 9-cell battery to get 4+ hrs of battery life if necessary. I don't do a lot of gaming, but I am a senior engineering major so I do some 3D Modeling and analysis of mechanical systems, so the graphics is a plus.

    I really don't need a powerhouse though. I just want something that looks nice but still has a little balls to it. I was originally going to go with the ASUS M50 or G50v, but the G50 series are just god awful ugly and gaudy, and the M50 series are still in the running but their battery life is a little bit of a downside for me.

    Ultimately, i'll decide between the ASUS M50V and the MSI-1651 I think. I don't see a lot else out there in the same class other than maybe a Sager, but I don't like the Compal that their notebook is built on.

    AVADirect and RK Computers seem to be the most competitive pricing and so I might end up going with one of them. I also do not need the extra 'goodies'. I'd rather pick out my own laptop bag/etc.
  4. 1timedeal

    1timedeal Notebook Consultant

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    The GX620 's ddr2 GPU is what's holding me back. cuttle's cyberpowerpc for the 7800 series is too fugly for my taste, even though it's really cheap! like 1k? Freaking bargain.

    JDELUNA Notebook Deity

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    I think the 9600M GT in the GX620 is DDR3 at least that is what I *thought* I read. God Bless :)
  6. Lithus

    Lithus NBR Janitor

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    All I read were these two lines:

    And all I can say is that I will never buy something from a company that doesn't 1) proofread something written in a font size larger than 12 and 2) contradict themselves in the same sentence.
  7. kevin071586

    kevin071586 Notebook Consultant

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    Haha, I caught that too Lithus... that was one of the reasons I decided against buying from him. He just copies and pastes a ton of crap all over the ebay site. All of it is contradicting, esp. 100% refund.... but oh wait, minus a 15% restocking fee.

    I'll be buying from AVADirect, RKComputers, or Xotic PC.

    I checked PowerNotebooks, but their prices are a little steep.. even more than XoticPC I think. AVADirect may be the cheapest, but RKComputers has a nicer layout and I feel is a little more professional looking and sounding. I will probably end up going with them... now I just need to convince myself that there isn't going to be any good deals popping up in the next few weeks as thanksgiving approaches.
  8. cutterjohn

    cutterjohn Notebook Evangelist

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    The GX620/MSI-1651 DO have GDDR3 while the Compal JFL90 (Sager 2096, Xotic Xplorer 7800 have GDDR2) which has tilted me to the MSI-1651.

    I'm now inches from pulling the trigger on the 1651 from avadirect, P8600, 4GB Kingston CL5 800MHz DDR2, 320GB 5400RPM sata2 WD, and the 15.4" WSXGA+ screen. Avadirect seems to have the best price and most options directly without actually calling the companies in question and seeing if they'll camel trade or match, with avadirect's only drawback being their high OEM OS prices. (I priced out the Xplorer-7800 from xotic with similar specs but 250GB hd PLUS Vista Home Premium for a bit less, but GDDR2... meh no thanks...)

    It's been a big trip for me anyways as I originally started off looking ta getting a PSP slim, then the openPandora, then a netbook (too underpowered) then looking at what was to be had in regular notebooks and landed here.

    As to Frosty and other ebayer's, unless you're just buying one off parts or something I'd stay away from them unless you get good feedback from people that you know as ebay either means that their relatively new and likely cash strapped or they're scammers...