Are these both pretty much the same laptop? I wanted to get a new laptop with the Mobility HD 5870 however XOTIC said that the GX740 is on pre-order and they're not sure when it's coming in.
Am I missing out on anything if I just order the Force 1727 now, or should I wait for the GX740?
The nice thing about the Force 1727 is that it looks more conservative with an all black finish, and going from the 720QM to the 820QM is only $199 rather than $575 on the GX740.
IIRC , the Gx740 has better audio support than the Force (PM55 vs HM55). No big deal though , as you probably won't notice a thing.
Also the MSI branded comes with 3yr warranty as opposed to the force 1yr reseller warranty.
All depends on your budget and what exactly you looking for.
EDIT : The 820QM on exotic for the 1727 is $579 -
I have the barebones, but I have the HM55 Chipset.
The previous MS-1727-id1 chassis with the GTS 250m was PM55, though.
Maybe they are using only the 5870 cards on the previous model?..
Don't know, but the model with the HD5870 should have the HM55 chipset. -
Really ? Isn't your one 1727-ID1 too ?
According MSI , it's PM55 ... What does your Bios say ?
EDIT: The one from RK is HM55. -
I priced both systems out at XOTIC PC with the 820QM, HD 5870, 4GB RAM, 500/7200 HD, 3yr warranty.
The GX740 was around $2,133 while the Force 1727 was around $1950.
Aside from the audio support, it looks like the Force 1727 is the better deal. - actually has a great deal going for the 1727, basically configured the same as the gx740, except for having a 360gb 7200 rpm drive instead of the 500gb and no blue-ray player. It's only $1349, although the warranty is just a 1-year.
Configured with the i7-820qm, 500gb drive, and 3-year warranty it's $1819, which is the best deal I've seen for the 1727.
FYI, BTOTech is primarily an Asus dealer. I bought my current laptop from them and was always pleased with their support + serivce. They have non-asus laptops too, but only barebones vareties.
EDIT:They also have some of the cheapest prices for themal goo upgrades. $5-15 for IC Dimond 24 depending on the model. -
The 1727 through XOTIC comes with the Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Compound whereas GX740 does not.
Are the cooling fans / internal layout on the 1727 and GX740 similar? They look about the same except for the red trim on the GX740.
Also: Does anyone know what the hold-up is on the GX740? I have read some reviews, so some people have them already. I would wait a week or two however the sales rep at XOTIC said it could be 4+ weeks until they are in.
Force 1727 or wait for GX740?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by theoak1, Apr 20, 2010.