I just got a Force 16f2-012 laptop, and I'm worried about the cpu temps I'm getting.
I was supposed to get an upgrade to icdiamond thermal compound, but I don't feel like I got it...
Just listening to music I'm getting upper 50s low 60s. Idle struggles to get into the upper 40s.
Stressing it causes to go into the upper 80s!
If you look here, another guy with a 580, was getting 35-40c...
My gpu seems fine idles from 48-58c (Even still a little high) and load is in the 80s which is normal for a gpu, but how for cpu is that normal?
Is there someway to force a higher fan speed, because the fan is hardly blowing anything at idle.
I'd suggest repasting, but if you already have IC Diamond properly covering it, it may not change anything.
My 2920XM idles in the low 40's and mid 30's as well (usually the first two cores in the low 40's and the other two in the mid 30's), but I've altered my laptop's venting; and so has pau1ow.
I have questioned the MSI 16F2-12's cooling before though.
Does the copper on your CPU heatsink look different from the copper on your GPU heatsink? Does it sound more hollow when tapped with metal or something solid?
My CPU heatsink has cheaper copper, perhaps yours does as well. -
Lol forgot to check that 5482741, will let you know if they look different.
Mechrock, my CPU never goes above 80°C while gaming (BF3) or 82°C when o/c (104.5mhz bclk)
If your load temps are around mid 70°C low 80°s that's not bad to me. -
Wow, worse than I thought... Just finished playing 20 minutes of BFBC2 since they haven't gotten my code for BF3 yet.
It went up to 94c on the cpu...
GPU went up to 85c. Would have been lower if I used vsync. -
all right, now we can see you settings. So you have the 570M which usually runs very cool compared to 580M.
If I were you, I would consider repasting both GPU and CPU with some nice thermal paste (ICD, AS5) -
Unfortunately, the only way to check the thermal paste will also require you to re-apply the thermal paste.
Yea, your temps are definitely on the high side. Either you didn't get ICD thermal paste or they just did a poor job applying it.
I have a barebones unit from Gentech (1671) with the same CPU/GPU as you. During BF3, my overclocked GPU runs in the high 60's and my CPU will get up to about 70-75. -
wow that's nice temps ! Is your 570M overclocked and overvolted (what clocks?) ?
Sorry to hear that about your unit. I'm about ordering one myself.
What's the story with the BF3 codes? Does XoticPC not have any to deliver? I haven't even thought to ask them. -
When's this machine going on your YouTube channel?
I forgot I had AS5 laying around, so I decided to replace just the cpu thermal paste to see how that went. Seems to be much cooler so far, got a max of 87c vs. 94c while playing BFBC2. That's not even with the thermal compound broken in. Even the gpu temp lowered a couple c from resetting it....
Didn't really lower my idle temps though... I'm thinking about flashing the Bios to force the fans to go faster. Anyone have experience with that? -
Has anybody measured the cpu load temps while running prime 95? Just repasted with ICD, but I'm still idling at around low 50's or high 40's (might bee due to my ambient temps). Pau1ow & 5482741, is there a thread or guide to what or how you modified your 16f2's venting?
Force 16f2-12 CPU Overheating?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by mechrock, Feb 11, 2012.