It shows up as a boot option, and was an option when I installed Windows. But now that Windows is installed on the SSD, it doesn't even register the second hard drive anywhere. Do I need to format it? Is that something that's done in the BIOS somewhere?
Please help. I've figured everything else except this.![]()
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Is there an operating system installed on the secondary hard drive?
Which SSD?
Is the SSD in the primary drive position 0 on the SATA bus?
Is the bios set to AHCI?
Bios up to date with 10H or 30H?
How did you Install the OS? -
No OS on the secondary drive. Laptop is brand new just got it today.
OCZ Vertex 3 MAX IOPS 120gb
SSD is P0, secondary is P1
BIOS is set to AHCI
BIOS version is E16F2IG6.30Q
BIOS Build 11/21/2011 10:10:100
EC Version 16F2EG61
EC Build 04/21/2011 -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Your bios looks like new one for Whitebook MS-16F2
With no OS on the 2nd drive you can't boot to it.
It needs to be formated to use as storage. -
I haven't previously posted about installing windows on an ssd before. But yes, it's installed on the SSD. And the secondary hard drive was physically in the laptop when I installed that if that's what you're asking (if so it didn't click when I read your reply).
I'm not trying to boot to the second drive, just use it for data storage. -
Check in Control Panel > Administraitive Tools > Computer Management >Disk Management and see if the drive is listed there
It is possible the drive letter may need to be manually assigned, or the drive set up in this menu -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
The drive should appear when you click on the desktop Computer icon.
Right clicking on the drives icon will show a format option.
I just put a new unformated WD 750GB Scorpio Black in MY GT780DX and it appeared in Computer as the D drive.I removed the normal 2nd drive to make room for it.
After formating I'm left with 698GB. -
Following dave-p's suggestion allowed to me assign a drive letter and format it at the same time.
This was new to me, though, I've never had to assign a drive letter before. -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Enjoy your unit. -
You've got a new BIOS on your 16F2 version the 30Q and a new EC firmware, Could you bios and EC upload here? Would be very grateful. -
To save the BIOS, boot from DOS bootable USB with the afudos.exe on it, and type "afudos mybios.rom /O
could you read your BIOS or back up already?
Your BIOS is the new and still nowhere to be found. -
Im having the same problem but I am unable to format or initialize disc under disc management..... Windows installed on my SSD, 500gb for storage. its still showing the disc as RAID 0, its a 500gb HDD but showing 931GB as if it were still in RAID.....
what can I do? -
From the bios in the raid bios change, delete, and then after the restart raid in the bios to AHCI and then changing Windows Insatallieren. ready
Well I have the bootable drive (I know because I booted to it), but it doesn't seem to be recognizing the command. Tells me something like "usage afudos" something or other. I thought maybe it saved it but it didn't.
Sorry I'm new at this kind of stuff. A little bit more detailed instructions might help. Thanks. -
Click your Windows orb at the lower left, type cmd, right click on the icon at the top of your list and select "Run as Administrator".
From there, type diskpart and wait a moment for your command to process.
Next, type List Disk. This should give you the listings for your 2 drives (make sure no USB flash drives or other media is connected to make it easier to navigate).
Once you figure out which disk is your secondary (usually should be listed if 500GB as 465GB) not the disk number (either disk 0 or disk 1).
Type Select disk (your disk number here) and hit enter. The command prompt should then tell you that disk is selected.
Type Clean. this should do a quick "wipe" of the drive.
Now just type Exit, then Exit again.
Go back into your disk management and you should now be able to reformat that drive.
Let us know if that helps.
Force 16-F2 not seeing second hard drive
Discussion in 'MSI' started by iamlilysdad, Mar 1, 2012.