My Computer is in NEED of a restore something is messing up my Frames in WoW and other games Ive tried downgrading and upgrading Nvidia drivers for my GT650m
I have a MSI GE60-0nc with a mSata.
Should I Just do like before and use a Windows 7 Disk and activate?
Or is the MSI restore Pretty good? I burned it while back on some disks. I know the MSI one has a lot of crapware but I cant just remove it .
Or does the Clean Install of Windows just run better?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
A clean install with just the bits you need is always the best option but are you sure it's software related? What are your graphs for GPU temps/usage and CPU temps/usage during the stuttering?
Temps are fine! It requires me to restart to fix. FPS on Ultra on WoW without moving is fine frames are great maxed at 60 as I have sync on or whatever its called. But right when I move it drops to 1-3 fps until I restart.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
If you think it's software related, try a system restore point instead (if you have any). If you do the fresh install, you'll be without any of the MSI bloatware, but it's up to you and how comfortable you feel with doing a format reload vs a recovery.
When did this start (in other words - what was the last noteworthy change you made before this occurred)? -
I`m fine with restoring from the start I restore computers/drivers almost daily for people, I was just wondering if the MSI recovery is any good? I know the STOCK Dell Image on Dell`s dont have much bloatware but performance is awful usually compared to a clean install and was just wondering how well does MSI do.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
In my experience, Acer and HP have the most bloatware from factory. You're going to have unwanted software in any recovery, really. Recoveries are easy and straightforward - but if the recovery partition is corrupt, it's useless. You will always maximize performance gains from a clean install.
MSI's recovery is fine. Better than some, but if you don't mind doing a format + reload, I recommend that (remember to backup first if need be). You can always format the OS partition and leave the recovery partition, just in case - or to compare performance. -
Hi I need a copy of the ge60 0nd and believe your burn dvd set could help me as it is one model before mine. Is it windows 8 operating system if so can you iso image your dvd and send me a link to download them. There should be 5 ish I believe. My burn dvd set is corrupt. Can you help me,
Factory Recovery or Clean install?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by hyelton, Jan 21, 2013.