OKAY, so my drivers are all completely out of date. I haven't touched them since setting it up (two years ago) with Ultra Male (now @Spartan@HIDevolution, btw, happy you work with them now)
The only reason I haven't is because I have always been overwhelmed by driver updates. My GPU fan won't kick on now so...I definitely need to update now. For reference, my NVIDIA driver is 398.35.
I chickened out from updating them a handful of times. I don't need my hand held, but I'd appreciate some guidance. I've done some sleuthing around and so many people have different "methods" or preferences and I'm having a difficult time telling what's necessary and what's preference. Any advice or links to good advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you all in advance.
Driver Update Question
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Karla Beeson, Jan 6, 2021.