I have a MSI GT627-216US and when I overclock the GPU within reasonable values it still downclocks my GPU and throttles it. what's the reason of this? My GPU temperatures are still 70degrees under load, and I know the computer can handle temperatures higher than that. Why is it throttling at decent temperatures? I've heard the term power throttling, does this apply to my case? How do I fix this?
EDIT: After some research it seems like my power supply is not enough. I am currently using 120W, do you guys think I can just buy a 150W power supply, and will my laptop be able to pull all the extra power?
EDIT again, it seems like undervolting my GPU helped. I undervolted and am now pushing even higher clocks.
I'm using a 120W adapter with my config so thats not the problem, I think.
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Downclock / power throttle
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Ashiun, Nov 25, 2011.