If best buy or some other store sells the gtx680m models in store
you won't find any brick-and-mortar stores that carry the 680m, nor any mobile GPU for that matter. as you can imagine it likely has to due with lack of demand. your best bet is to contact the online merchants/resellers who post here.
Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
"Does anyone know"... the Muffin Man?
Local retailers are highly unlikely to sell it. Maybe a local repair shop, but your best inventory and prices will come from etailers or various resellers. Places like Best Buy try to cater to the casual user to mid-high end power user, but not really ever the extreme gamer. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I can just imagine a regular punter buying one and wondering why it does not fit his desktop!
It's a specialist part with much more restrictions of use compared to a desktop GPU.
Does anyone know
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Yee92, Dec 14, 2012.