I recently tried using the ATI Overdrive Auto-Tune (10.11) on my MSI GX740 and in the middle of the test my system shutdown. I figured it was because it hit the predefined critical temp. However, now when I try to turn my system on it only stays on for about 20-30 seconds before the system initiates what appears to be a thermal shutdown. The fan kicks on at its highest speed as soon as my system turns on and it appears to be venting significantly more heat than is usual for the system just starting up.
Is the ATI Overdrive Auto-Tune responsible for this? If so, how? I thought it was just a software mod? If not, what do you think is going on, hardware failure?
Always overclock manually .. auto-tune is just a POS. There's nothing wrong with your hardware , the reason it kept crashing down is because of the higher clocks. A reset should do the trick ..
Could it be the new vBIOS?
Autotune is software so it does not change your clocks until you boot into Windows -
I figured out what happened, apparently when I used auto-tune the high temp caused the stock thermal paste to become retarded somehow. I applied a new coat of AS and I'm now idling at 37C with no thermal shutdowns. I've never seen anything like that happen. I wonder what retarded stock thermal crap they use...
Did ATI Overdrive Auto-Tune (10.11) Screw Up My System?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Paralel, Nov 29, 2010.