Hello all,
I've been looking at new laptops and I really really like the refreshed GS63VR... it's the perfect combination for me of performance and weight and now that Kaby Lake is coming out it seems like a good time to upgrade. Just one problem... I primarily use this for gaming but every now and then I do have professional things I use my laptop for, which makes that big honking dragon logo that says gaming actually kind of a serious, no-joke problem. Anyone have any experience covering up the logo in some way that doesn't look like I'm basically putting a giant sticker on it? This is actually a serious impediment to my buying the laptop at this point... I could keep my other laptop for such occasions but it kinds of defeats the point if I have to carry around two laptops.
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
Kaby Lake is not worth over Skylake - performance improvement is almost none.
Maybe vinyl carbon or any other material wrap? Like they do for the full outside of laptops. Just cut out enough, which i understand would be hard, to cover the logo, then would just be wrapped shield.
Edit: just came across a post as well. Look like you could pick up a non MSI branded GS chassis from Origin: Evo15-s. No dragon logo.Last edited: Feb 7, 2017 -
nightingale Notebook Evangelist
The easiest way to cover up the logo is maybe to get some black electrical tape, cut it out in the shape of the shield and just overplay it over the shield logo. The laptop itself should come with a thin film of clear protective film over the logo when new, so if you peel that off and use it as a guide you can get the perfect shape to cover it up. The silver 'msi' portion above the shield i think should be understated enough to not need to be covered.
Also, why would you cover up the glorious 9H Dragon Shield when you buy the Kaby Lake version? Seeme like waste lol. -
don_svetlio In the Pipe, Five by Five.
From what I hear - Kaby doesn't really improve enough to be notable - 10-15 minutes or so - considering the GS63's already highly lackluster battery performance, I'd say a proper BIOS in terms of energy management will be a much bigger improvement. There is not world in which a 6-cell 60Wh+ battery is only good for 3 hours of internet browsing considering my 4-cell 62Wh battery gets me over 5 and a half hours of the same exact tasks.
If you don't want people looking at your machine, I would advice a vinyl cover. You can order a simple design like carbon fiber look.
Rynaus and Spartan@HIDevolution like this.
Covering up the logo...
Discussion in 'MSI' started by CaptainKoloth, Jan 6, 2017.