I am about to order a GX640 from jr.com, but the processor is listed like this:
Intel Core i5-450M 2.26Hz Processor with Turbo Boost Technology up to 2.53GHz
Everywhere else I see the speeds being listed as 2.4-2.67 Ghz for the 450M.
The specs listed on JR.com are actually for the 430M, despite the fact it says it comes with a 450M
Here is a link
Anyone have any suggestions?
must be a typo, the i5-430m runs at 2.2 the i5-450 runs at 2.4, it's just an update at just came out.
Yeah, I figured it might be that. I took the safe route and just ordered mine from rk computers
Can't wait to get it.
- ATI Catalyst 10.6 Installed
- BIOS Updated
- EC-Firmware Updated
- ATI VBios Updated: BR35701.030
- System Control Manager Updated
- Touchpad Driver Updated
- Intel Rapid Storage Driver Updated
- Windows Update Current As Of 07/21/2010
RKC was really prompt in assembling my system as well as answering my email questions after I placed my order. Thanks, RKC! -
YouTube - StarCraft 2 Epic Battle - GX640 -
Off topic but all I have to say dealing with RKComputers they are the best with MSI laptops.
Even in the ridiculously hot room we were in, the temp's didn't get too bad at all (low 80's).
Had the gamesettings at a mix between high and ultra .. . didn't really check frame rates though, probably could have used more ultra settings, but the 5v5's . . . -
. My computer should arrive at my doorstep tomorrow morning....unfortunately I have to work tomorrow also, so I'll be biting my nails the whole time wanting to get out.
Played the game today on my Gx640 and must say that in campaign mode I get some "low" frame rate (around 30) during the campaign when everything is in ultra and the res is on 1680x1050!
However I discovered that by turning off reflection there are substantial gains and I get 40/50 fps with everything ultra but this turned off!
Still wonder if the Ati drivers are well optimized for this game though! -
rk is taking their sweet time getting this thing shipped. I ordered it on Friday and the order was processed by Saturday morning. Since Sunday night the status has been awaiting shipping, and UPS even has the billing information. I paid for the early next day air shipping, so this thing better come soon
So is this 450m good or not? Seems it runs sluggish a lot of the time in games people are mentioning like SC2, DoW2, etc. Looking at this thing hard, but worried about it being not so great like just a few months after I get it.
Does playing a demo/replay load the system as much as the original play through does? I'd image it would be close. I should post one of the 5v5 replays so we can all check frames / benchmark with it.
I had my setting on mostly high and didn't notice any low frame rate moments. -
I am playing SC2 right now and have no issue with it... Everything ultra, 1650x1050 and just turned off the "Reflection" option gives me 50fps
Other games like Empire Total War, Anno 1404, Mirror's Edge or Street Fighter 4 run like a charm on this computer ;-) -
I'm playing starcraft 2 currently at almost ultra settings, however, the frame rater drops pretty substantially if I go any higher than the high setting for shaders and lighting...I haven't updtated my drivers yet, could this be holding back the performance at all?
Besides that, this laptop is awesome! -
I updated my video card driver and figured out that my battery mode was on balanced, ha. I can run SC2 on maxed out settings with the frame rate dropping to about 40 fps when there's A TON of stuff going on at once. It almost always runs at about 50, unless I drop shaders down to "hiigh", because it then increases to about 70. When it's all said and done, SC2 runs almost flawlessly on this laptop.
With a 30 dollar notebook cooler from Best Buy, this thing is barely warm to touch while gaming.
Core i5 450M in GX640
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Eliphrius, Jul 30, 2010.