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    Connect to external diaplay using Intel GPU

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Joaquin fregoni, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. Joaquin fregoni

    Joaquin fregoni Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hello, I have my msi P75 17" creator connected to my 55" smart TV.

    I have it connected via HDMI to HDMI, but I also have the USB-C to HDMI cable, so I can also connect it to the TV via the thunderbolt port to HDMI.

    In both cases it is the same, It is always using the Nvidia graphics card, and sometimes I just want it to use the intel one because the Nvidia uses much more power, gets warmer and noisier, and sometimes I'm just with Spotify, so I don't need the Nvidia GPU at all

    Is there any way to connect the laptop to an external display using the intel graphic card and not activate the Nvidia one?

    Thank you