Has anyone gotten Corsair Force MP400 (NVMe M.2) to work in MSI laptops?
I have been unable to get my 4TB Corsair Force MP400 to work in my GS65 Stealth Thin (8RF-015NE) -laptop, which was bought in 2018.
I have Windows 10 installed on the laptop's original 512GB Samsung PM981 SSD (NVMe M.2, MZVLB512). The laptop goes into a bootloop, when restarting the laptop with Corsair Force MP400 SSD installed. Curiously, the laptop doesn't even boot from an USB stick, when the Corsair SSD was installed.
I believe that the Corsair SSD itself is ok, because it works fine when I plug it in my Akasa external M2 case and connect that to my laptop via USB.
My laptop should work with the Corsair SSD, at least according to the laptop's specs ( PCIe gen 3).
I'm wondering if this issue might have something to do with PCIe lanes? I don't know how many PCIe lanes are required by my Corsair and Samsung NVMe SSDs, and how many lanes are supported by the laptop's SSD slots.
MSI support suggested that this is a " combability issue". They would not give any details on what kind of combability issue it could be, despite my repeated inquiries. Corsair support was also unable to solve this
We have tried various measures to get the Corsair SSD to work in the laptop: updating the BIOS, adjusting BIOS settings (disabling fast boot etc.), and swapping the slots used by the SSDs.
on my ge75 i can say that both ssds are getting pcie 3.0 x4 lanes because when i benchmark them one by one both are reaching speeds that would not be possible without x4 lane so either they get their own lane or the lanes are shared.
Your updated bios didnt work but does the corsair ssd have new firmware? -
I'm still taking other tips if anyone has them. I'll be trying all these tricks on Thursday, when I get some help with removing the motherboard and having another go at installing the Corsair SSD. -
Swap the slots the samsung and corsair use.
Also, try safe mode to boot and make sure the corsair is initialized. -
I am curious have you done it?
Also does your corsair ssd have anything bootable in it? Can you format it as GPT and NTFS/exfat as a whole ssd(no small partition) from disk manager(check from cmd diskpart too) to be sure it does not have anything bootable from m.2 case you mentioned
change bios boot setting and disable all boot options except the samsung OS installed ssd -
samsung NVME ,..,this need most time AHCI "sata controller mode" or try UN-configured RST
+ samsung NVME drivers
but some NVME runs "fully" only under RST rom
RST mode must be selected + RST drivers installed
AHCI mode - 300series "17.9.-x drivers" or RST mode - up to 18.36-x drivers
and 2x strong NVME "m key" works best only in RAID0
for SAMSUNG is this unsupported
editLast edited: Oct 11, 2021 -
only what he can try
bios/advanced/sata controller - RST "not more" UN-configured RST
+ install correct RST drivers / samsung + nvme drivers
or buy 2x identical or similar devices "no samsung"- create RAID0 for best performance + RST mode
or 2x SAMSUNG + AHCI + samsung NVME drivers
edit ., CMOS reset
45s power button when notebook runsLast edited: Oct 11, 2021 -
if you don't even see the bios after installation new ssd ??
here is problem SLOT "hw problem" -example .,,.not SETUP or SW -
The corsair SSD already has NTFS partitions and nothing bootable.
We will try disabling all boot options except the Samsung SSD as you suggested, cheers. -
My currently installed Intel RST controller driver version is
I'll need to check later whether the current BIOS setting is AHCI or RST mode, and that is on the list of things that we will try.
Did I understand correctly, that I should try either:
1) AHCI mode with 17.9.-x drivers installed for the Intel RST controller,
2) RST mode with up to 18.36-x drivers installed for the Intel RST controller?
Was there any other suggestions that I missed from your posts?
What did you mean with UN-configured RST..?
I could try to install Samsung NVME 3.2 drivers. According to one reddit post that version should work with my Samsung PM981 SSD. It's not clear if the latest 3.3 driver supports my Samsung SSD however. The reddit post is contradicted by one person saying that " Samsung PM981a are OEM devices and have no special drivers. Just stock ms NVME." -
lot samsung "EVO edition" need only AHCI + NVME drivers ,.,but lot normal NVME need only RST rom
try RST mode "but not configure RAID0" only set SATA CONTROLLER mode in BIOS
or best compatibility is RST + RAID0 "but 2x identical disk" - this works best
or 2x samsung "evo" AHCI + NVME drivers
.,.,,. basis compatibility for 4TB
DISKPART - disk table GPT
your BOOT-LOOP problem + new ssd
is possitible use BIOS or is this impossible ???
,.,.verify storage info in BIOS "is visible or not ?" // try change SATA CONTROLLER MODE "AHCI or RST"Last edited: Oct 12, 2021 -
The BIOS> Advanced > SATA Mode is already set to RST. But like I mentioned in my last reply, my current Intel RST controller driver version is pretty old: I'll also try the AHCI mode on Thursday, when I will try to again to install the Corsair SSD.
MSI's own website for my GS65 laptop only provides version of "Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver". I will install this before Thursday. If I run into problems on Thursday, I guess I could try the 17.9.-x and 18.36-x drivers too.
I'm pretty sure that I don't have RAID0 configured between my current Samsung 512GB SSD and an WD 1TB SSD (that will be replaced by the Corsair SSD), but don't know how to check this. I don't have any additional SSDs (and no two identical SSDs either), so I can't try those suggestions of yours.
I will also see on Thursday, whether I can go to BIOS during the bootloop. I'm hopeful, because I remember that during the bootloop the display showed the MSI logo and "Repair Mode" before booting again.
I checked in BIOS that UEFI mode is selected, and the Corsair SSD has GPT. -
and must be enabled SATA CONTROLLER - RST
add new ssd + cmos reset - for best results ?? "cmos reset fully restore bios to defaults !!"
45s power button when notebook run
drivers "for windows" for 300SERIES ,,..,and version VS SATA mode "example ,.,.RST - for my 7th 18.36 / but AHCI - 17.7"
,.,.try disable SECURE BOOT some disk use custom bootloader "but badly signed"
verify bios BOOT options ,,.,.try disable FAST BOOT
// BOOTLOOP ?? but from windows / msi recovery
or using any windows files on 1TB WD "old storage" ?? -- verify disk manager "for hidden partitions"
.,,.,..,or exist some SETUP in admin bios "hotkey"
but after your upgrade must works bios accessLast edited: Oct 13, 2021 -
POST-BOOT ,,.windows problem !
OS bootloader works
try only verify files on old WD storage
and verify BOOT tab option "in bios" any external BOOT LOADER ??? "some WD use custom"
OS loader
disk storage
or broken RAID0 ??
and must be enabled SATA CONTROLLER - RST
here is possible verify new disk "on bios level"
when information about the new 4TB is missing - it is a problem
//// edit
for safe work with ssd ..create a backup !! bad RST drivers or CMOS reset or new configuration are possible lost DATA !!!
for SSD - impossible recover !!
,.,.,.edit2 image
Last edited: Oct 13, 2021 -
send some more information
from current state "samsung + WD"
BOOT mode ?? "uefi"
BOOT SEQUENCE -LIST "you must use BOOT/UEFI BBS " fixed or similar menu is for CSM or legacy mode
verify all partition on on WD " disk manager or DISKPART"
it is possible that the problem is not a new SSD .,,.but any system partition on this WD / or any special drivers for WD
SAMSUNG storage ? here is GPT ? all disk must be GPT + UEFI mode !
list disk
.,,will see -
We will try installing the Corsair SSD within the next 12 hours. Before that I will answer your questions and give further information about my current laptop setup.
In BIOS, SATA CONTROLLER mode is set to RST. At "Advanced/Rapid Storage Technology", both the Samsung 512GB SSD (Win10) and the WD 1TB SSD are listed as " Non-RAID Physical Disks". I updated the RST driver into version
BOOT mode is UEFI, and the BOOT SEQUENCE LIST is 1. USB drive, 2. Samsung SSD, 3. Disabled, 4. Disabled.
Both the Samsung SSD and the WD SSD are formatted with GPT.
Here is a screenshot from Disk Manager, and also a printout from DISKPART:
Code:Disk ### Status Size Free Dyn Gpt -------- ------------- ------- ------- --- --- Disk 0 Online 931 GB 1024 KB * (1 TB WD, this disk will be replaced by the Corsair SSD) Disk 1 Online 476 GB 0 B * (512 GB Samsung, Windows 10 installation)
I installed Windows 10 on the Samsung SSD before getting the WD SSD, so it shouldn't have any Windows files on it.
The WD SSD does have a Linux boot partition, but that is only accessible if I set the WD SSD as the boot disk in BIOS. Otherwise the laptop starts in Windows 10 automatically, and I don't have any kind of multi-boot loader.
I disabled Fast boot and Secure boot.
My current game plan for getting the Corsair SSD installed is as follows:
- Replace the WD SSD with the Corsair SSD. <If unsuccessful, then:>
- Set the Samsung SSD as first boot device instead of USB drive. <...>
- Try installing Samsung NVME drivers (3.2 and 3.3). <...>
- Try installing newer RST drivers ( and <...>
- Swap the Samsung and Corsair SSD slots. <...>
- Do CMOS reset. <...>
- Switch SATA CONTROLLER from RST to AHCI. This is the last resort, because going back from AHCI to RST without reinstalling Win10 seems to be painful. <...>
- Try again earlier RST drivers ( and
any EFI on WD ???
this is your problem when remove this old disk
edit, .., the best backup of everything and create normal partitions?
edit2 ,.,.,example for defaults partitions
disk1 OS - recovery / efi/ data
disk0 DATA - data
your have EFI "loader" or system data on WD !
translation fixLast edited: Oct 14, 2021 -
uefi linux on WD ,.,.,.but this is modded bootloader "windows os loader"
,.,.whne you remove this active disk - you have "missing system storage" broken system
possitible repair BOOTREC + rebuild "or similar" or uninstall linux -remove linux bootloader
after this install new ssd in notebook
BOOT/ BBS - here must be only OS LOADER ,,.and in bootrec must be only one boot -windows
,,.time for coffee and maybe I'll send how to work with bootrec
edit ,.,.sent info
bcdeditLast edited: Oct 14, 2021 -
I'm at the PC repair shop.
The BIOS shows that both the Linux and Win10 boot from the Samsung SSD.
But both the Samsung and WD have an EFI partition. So I'm a little confused.
We just removed the WD and try to boot with the Samsung only. -
It booted successfully to Win10 login screen without the WD SSD. Now putting in the Corsair SSD.
Goes into boot loop when the Corsair is in. But at least it booted from a USB drive. Using Linux USB boot to check what drives are visible.
and is possitible see bios ?
or here is some "usefully" domains
f2 + Lalt + Rshift + Rctrl -admin mode ,.,.hotkey in bios
but must be visible in bios .,,.or BASIC SETUP - try SATA CONTROLER "AHCI" -
Nope, Linux USB stick boot crashes, and Win10 USB boot stick doesn't work (just goes into boot loop).
Can't even access bios... It shows the MSI logo, and after a few bootloop iterations the logo is accompanied with "repair mode" text.
I have "Fast boot" disabled though.
Now we replaced the Corsair SSD with additional SSD that the repair shop had, and it boots fine to windows. -
booloop .,,.on MSI splash screen ??
windows usb / CMD "shift + f10"
diskpart -
edit ,,.removed bad info -
MSI support can also be a problem !! old RST ROM / NVME driver in BIOS
these 4TB nvme are modern -
Can installing Samsung nvme drivers or the RST drivers on windows affect booting to bios in any way? I'm guessing no...
for bios -
.,,and bios works without storage "custom RAM"
edit., but bad RST drivers or NVME drivers
can damage data! "ssd is impossible recover" carefully // backup -
The laptop boots into bios fine when only the Corsair SSD is inserted. But not when Win10 USB stick is inserted (bootloop).
However, the USB stick boot works (when only Corsair is inside) after we changed to AHCI mode!
Now trying to change Win10 registry settings to AHCI so I don't have to reinstall it. -
your previous state is RST but un-configured .,,.OK
edit -
Aaaand it seems to work now, with both Samsung and Corsair in, thanks to the AHCI mode.
Strangely, if the laptop battery gets disconnected, then the BIOS settings reset back to SATA SELECTION = RST mode, fast boot enabled. If that happens, I'm screwed because then the bootloop comes back, and I can't get into the BIOS without removing the Corsair SSD. -
change DEFAULT setup on your preferred
fastboot also doesn't work ?? ,.,. do you only need a SATA CONTROLLER - AHCI ?
and in windows update drivers "best from device manager" only INF
try 18.36 package from link above "latest for modern windows / chipset"
or around 17.9 version is AHCI for 300 series chip
good luck -
I'll keep the modified BIOS in mind, but at this point I don't want to mess with the BIOS. Even if removing the battery (or it running out??) will reset the BIOS settings, where SATA CONTROLLER is AHCI, which causes the Corsair SSD to go into a boot loop.
Yes, setting SATA CONTROLLER to AHCI was the solution. Unfortunately disabling Fast Boot and Secure Boot didn't work in solving the boot loop (or it might have solved it, but the default BIOS setting for Fast Boot was Enabled).
Now that the SATA CONTROLLER is AHCI, I can't find the Intel RST device in my device manager anymore. So I'm not sure what difference installing newer drivers for it would do. -
The Corsair SSD Toolbox software could detect the SSD, while it was connected via USB when using my Akasa external M2 case. There was no new firmware for that particular SSD, so I couldn't test whether updating the firmware would have worked. -
Finally, I will explain why it was so difficult to get Corsair Force MP400 SSD to work in my MSI GS65 Stealth Thin laptop.
For some reason the laptop would go into a boot loop, whenever the Corsair SSD was installed, AND the SATA SELECTION mode was set to RST in BIOS settings. In this situation there was no way to get out of the boot loop or even get into BIOS to change settings. The only option was to take out the Corsair SSD.
This issue was complicated by the fact that the BIOS settings would reset into default if the battery was disconnected. Unfortunately these default settings included having SATA SELECTION mode as RST, and Fast Boot as enabled. Whenever we took out the motherboard to install the Corsair SSD, we also disconnected the motherboard from the battery. This is why whenever we installed the Corsair SSD, the BIOS was always reset to those unfortunate settings that caused an unrecoverable boot loop.
In the end, the solution to this boot loop was simple:
1. Take out the Corsair SSD and put the motherboard back into the laptop.
2. Configure Windows 10 so that it will start in the safe mode by default.
3. Boot into BIOS and set SATA SELECTION mode as AHCI.
4. Take out the motherboard, but keep the battery connected.
5. Install the Corsair SSD, and make sure that the motherboard does NOT get disconnected from the battery.
6. Put the motherboard back into the laptop, and restart it. Now the computer should boot into Windows 10 safe mode, and update itself to support AHCI.
7. Configure Windows 10 so that it will start in the normal mode by default.
8. Do not reset the BIOS or set SATA SELECTION back to AHCI. Do not disconnect the motherboard from the battery. -
17.9.-x-x contains more 300series chip drivers
or 18.6 contains only one devices "from 300 series +AHCI ,,.try luck" ,.,.,here is compatibility only for RST mode // old devices
try update from DEVICE MANAGER "disk controller AHCI" update from file
,.,compatibility problem
if MSI updated its bios "RST ROM" so I think it would also work normally
when run RST and is "not configured" no raid disk -all run on AHCI .,,.but here is this buggy
,,..,or SSD support is bad and need "direct AHCI mode"Last edited: Oct 18, 2021 -
alternative bios unlock / AMIBCP for bios mod
,..,UBU + new ROM for RST
but better "safe way" is oem bios or try @Svet "MSI FORUM"
,,..,how many times will you perform a bios reset ??
when all works ,,it is unnecessary to make a mod -
Under "Storage Controllers", there is only "Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller", and two instances of "Standard NVM Express Controller".
We did not reset the BIOS at all. The laptop battery was disconnected several times though. Another forum member suggested that the CMOS battery is dead, which I believe is the case.
Anyway, everything seems to work fine now, so I probably won't modify any settings or drivers from here on. -
,,.cmos battery is possitible measure "mutimeter" but thinks is OK
some setup in bios "bad" is sometimes AUTO repaired or all time reload "optimal/fail-safe"
not fully saved RAM training - random reset or longer boot
bad SATA controller - similar boot-loop
or bad OC from windows "using bad domains in bios"
if all works - ignore drivers
and depends on the current state ,.,.now all works ??
not come resets or similar boot loops ?
and I think it's optimal in your bios - RST and FAIL - too RST mode
for device what works only on AHCI - infinite boot loop -example / resetsLast edited: Oct 20, 2021 -
In a laptop, a CMOS battery is needed only to save the BIOS settings when the battery is turned off.
The CMOS battery is essentially a backup power source.
I do not know how MSI engineers screwed up when creating the GS65 8-Gen laptop, that the CMOS battery runs out so quickly. Similarly, I noticed that the battery drains quickly.kko likes this.
Can't get Corsair Force MP400 SSD to work in GS65 Stealth Thin -laptop. Combability issue?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by kko, Oct 9, 2021.