Hi, can the MSI GT72VR-7RE accept this adapter?
A picture is shown at 18 minutes: and it says MSI 17822 on it
another picture is here:
Here is exactly what the MSI GT72VR-7RE looks like inside:
So my question is,
1) Can it use this type of adapter shown?
2) what exactly is the product name/ID of this adapter?
It seems to require a power connector from somewhere too.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Thread can be closed if necessary. Ken of Gentech PC replied to my email and explained very clearly why an adapter cannot be used, even if a power connector could be spliced in from another location.
hmscott likes this. -
Can you put here Ken's explanation about it?
I'm not sure what a "MS-17822" M2 adapter is. But if you are talking about M.2 ssd drives, then yes it can. I installed the samsung 850evo m.2 form factor in mine.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01G844PC0/ref=twister_B00U82O92U?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 -
That adapter doesn't work with the pascal GT72 because MSi downgraded the chipset type and there is no power jack for the p.2 (red) connector. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
The missing power connector is the biggest problem.
And units that have the power connector actually available are chipset compatible anyway, so you can't really say "Well what if I jury-rigged another onboard power connector to it, and then try to see what would happen with the Chipset/Bios recognition"? WHAT power connector?
I *believe* there are models which are chipset compatible but did not come with that adapter, which CAN take that adapter. The GT72VR is NOT that model. That was one of the reasons I returned my GT72VR. -
Thanks for info!
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
The EVR is the downgrade treatment of the GT73. In USA, it's not even called the EVR, it kept the same name
Can the MSI GT72VR-7RE accept the "MS-17822" M2 adapter?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Falkentyne, Apr 22, 2017.