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    Can 680m be installed in MSI 780dxr?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by webez, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. webez

    webez Newbie

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    I want to get rid of my desktop computer (who would have said just a few months ago... ahh MSI what have you done to me) and the 570m, although it is a great card, it is still not enough to make me forget a desktop card.

    So, has anyone installed it on a 780dxr or knows if it can be done? (I know the card type is compatible but that is not enough info to spend such amount of money in something that could or could not work).

  2. kakashisensei

    kakashisensei Notebook Consultant

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    Its inconclusive right now.

    Pau1ow tested a clevo 680m card in a 16F2 and it wouldn't display. The 16F2 is the most similar notebook to the 780dxr that has been tested so far. This is with both a clevo vbios and the GT60/GT70 vbios. It was thought to be an optimus related issue, but the clevo card works in Dell and Clevo notebooks that do not have optimus. The cause of the problem is unknown.

    Dell 680m cards have not been tested in any MSI notebooks. Dell cards have a track record of working in MSI notebooks. But the Dell cards also have throttling issues if you overclock.

    A person in Taiwan obtained a MSI qualification sample 680m and it worked in his GX660R. Theoretically it should work in a 780dxr.

    To my knowledge, no one has yet tested a production MSI 680m card in any of the older MSI notebooks (pre GT60/GT70).

    As cards from all systems become cheaper and available in aftermarket (ebay etc...) more people will test and a solution will most likely be found.