Is this a good price??|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50
I got a P8600 from him and it works really good...
Not bad but not good enough. It's an ES sample.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
Same thing but less cache. Regardless it will perform the same.
It's a retail version and its only $200. The seller has 100% feedback. -
Its exactly half the price of retail P9500($360).
Bt I am more interested in T9600 or T9800. -
the only disadvantage to ES is that you won't have as much resell value when you wanna get rid of it. If you wait on a good deal, you can get 100% back when you upgrade.
If you want to buy a CPU, buy it from extreemeprocessor he proved that he has the latest ES sample CPUs. dalamchops has right, but his statement is not complete. The other disadvantage is that you don't know what are the stepping changes. If it is an early ES you might have a lot of troubles with it. So I saw the CPU you linked is C0 stepping. Better don't buy that one and see the same one here, but it is E0 stepping. It's the same price - it's free shipping.I bought mine from him.
One more thing - the Intel CPUs has always been hungry for cache. So the bigger - the better -
Doesn't ES samples have unlocked multipliers? im pretty sure that think could be crazy clocked as an end result.
They don't have unlocked multipliers. Engineering samples just mean that they are preproduction samples to test out how they perform and such.
@ catacylsm
Some of the ES has unlocked multipliers, but this is only on most earliest stepping ones . In state that they are going to set the frequency of the future CPU. Most of the case if you buy one with unlocked multiplier it will not be stable CPU and you will have troubles with it. -
Aha, thanks Genna.
Heres what my processor runs at 24% overclocked:
I bought this from the guy up top, My first post. P8600
CPU question..
Discussion in 'MSI' started by nacr05, May 3, 2009.