The good stuff is highlighted in bold.
GX-Series = Same old casing, gets Core i5 and the Mobility Radeon HD 5850. I really wish they would re-designed the casing, or at least do something with that keyboard.
GE-Series = Cheaper version of the GX-Series. Looks like it will replace the EX-Series.
C-Series = Same old casing, gets Core i3/i5 and a chiclet keyboard.
X-Series = The X620 and the X420 seems to pack some serious horsepower now. I'd like to see how these turn up.
This is big, this is very big. In particular the GX series with a HD5850
Cannot wait for this... -
sh*t... i just bought the GT740.
I'm covering MSI tomorrow. You guys can check my thread (in my sig) for some pics.
wait.. if gx740 and gt740 have the same casing.. or such. I really could pull out the 5870 from gx740 and put it into the gt740! WOW! no worries about the heatsink!
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Howitzer225 Death Company Dreadnought
Thats brutal, huraaay for MSI!
Thank you very much for the coverage fellas, appreciate it, cant the i5 also be changed for i7 too?? if they enhance the cooling internals, were in for a bomb of a new machine.
I hope the keep the whole 4850/5850/6850 trend going haha. -
I don't think mobile i5's and mobile i7q's will ever be interchangable. They require different motherboards.
New chassis?
[Image Source]
Price and some specs for the GX740 (w/5870) and for the GX640 (w/5850). -
Why do people insist on using glossy surfaces is beyond me.
- Company Representative
You guys can check my thread for some pics.
I'd take the glossy black over the red any day.
Are the GT740 and GX740 built on the same chassis?
Also what do you know about MSI's 3D Vision notebook? -
Didn't see any 3D notebook there. The only 3D notebooks I saw are the Acer and Asus laptops. -
Reports were they had one. -
Pretty expensive.
Here is the GX740 for pre-order on an Aussie site:
Says that it has HD5870, pretty sweet if true. Price is in AUS$ so I don't know how it compares to the competition, or to previous MSI models..
The GX640 is there too, it says that gets the HD5850. -
Man im liking that 640, if its another 15 incher, thats amazing power behind it.
It is rumored that the new GX series won't be hitting Europe until March. Can anyone confirm this?
I can't confirm it but I wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with ATI 5000 series GPU supplies.
Agreed, march seems a realistic time, and fairly ideal if you ask me.
Clocks are 1500core and 2500shader off the top of my head -
Usually takes about 3 years for your technology to reach us lol -
Anybody knows whether barebore models are going to released or not?
Most likely yes.
Howitzer225 Death Company Dreadnought
I don't believe thats the GX series.
Im pretty sure GX740 use the same chassis as the GT740. Same red/black scheme also.
Shame really. As far as I'm concerned the only notebook that needs a chassis redesign more than the MSI GT is the Clevo D900. MSI's is probably the only notebook where most people wouldn't whine if they went 16:9/1920x1080. -
Well, perhaps once it becomes available for pre-order the prices on the GX623 will go down by a considerable amount. Might be interesting. -
Hmm i see, you not got any relatives that could kinda ship stuff round?
I mean waiting does seem like a rather good option, if i had known MSI were planning this, i sure of hell woulda waited haha!.
Waiting seems like a good option indeed, but having it shipped over might be a bit risky.
I'll just try and wait it out as long as possible. -
the x series needs higher res screens
Embedded Intel chip and a dedicated ATI card? Thats weird...
Wonder how the HD5730 will hold up. -
The new GX series uses the same chassis as the previous model with the red lip/rim.
And it there are two option for GPU one ships with the 5850 and the other ships with the 5870.
Hope this helps. and this is not speculation this is fact. (Has the new series in pre order) -
But I don't want to sell my GT725 yet
Well the 640 is DDR3 from what i can see, they would have been perfect with DDR5,
The 740 seems brilliant though!
But i GOT THE 6555 for a reason, the native res will keep it in line with the 5 series respectively running at higher resolutions, (So the only thing i wont have or benefit from will be DX11, which can go any direction at this point!) -
Damn you and your 1440x900 screen
lol I am very curious to see how this generation stacks up with the current GT725. -
I think well, but it wont be overkill, i mean i doubt it will knock us out completely, i wonder if devs will really start developing for DX11?
Thats the biggest factor here. -
Awww yeah. This thing is looking sexy lol, I was waiting for one of these.
I wonder how thick it is, though?
The price is pretty reasonable too, and I like the design a lot more than other 5870 laptops currently out there. Only con is the 1600x1050 screen, but I guess thats not a huge deal? Definitely a minor disappointment though...wonder if they'll release a 1080p version? or 1200p? -
Hmm to be honest, its probably the best res for a screen like that, there is a chance though they will release the 1080 screen
, 1200p is most likely a no,
1650x1080 is perfect for a gpu like that i think, and the text size will be bang on as well as the image being crisp. -
CES 2010: New MSI G-Series, C-Series and X-Series.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Micaiah, Jan 9, 2010.