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    Buying MSI barebones laptop (whitebook), need to know what parts to put in it!

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by laserbullet, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. laserbullet

    laserbullet Notebook Evangelist

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    So, I've found a local store that I can get an MSI MS 1223 from, and they'll even install the guts for me for free. But now I have to choose the guts, namely, a CPU, HDD (SSD?), optical drive, RAM, and a wifi card.

    What I have so far:
    Intel P8600 2.4 gig CPU
    4 GB DDR2 800 RAM
    160GB HDD
    Intel 5300 wifi link
    Blu ray player

    Here's the chassis I'm putting this into:

    Obviously the only thing I have specifically picked out is the CPU, so I need recommendations on what specifically (brand, model) I should do for the rest of the parts. I'm particularly looking for parts that use less power to get the most out of my battery. The only major thing I'm wondering about is whether I should wait for the prices of 128 GB SLC SSDs to come down.

    Also, is Intel Turbo Memory worth it? It seems like it wouldn't be if I get a SSD, but what about with a HDD?

  2. computer16433

    computer16433 Notebook Guru

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    I can't really help you with your question but could you tell me how you found a place to sell you an 1223 whitebook? (Just go to a big computer place and ask?)
    Also I'm wondering if you can install Mac Leopard like you can with the MSI Wind--do you know anything about this?
    (The only things I think I would add so far are a 32/64MB Mtron Mobi 3000 SSD and draft n wireless card)
    Thanks and good luck