I am losing internet (wired and wireless) and bluetooth adapters after the laptop awakens from sleep mode. Windows 10 network and internet settings says "we couldn't find wireless devices on this pc." Network adapters are no longer listed in device manager.
I have tried changing power settings so that network adapters do not go into power saving mode. Windows is fully updated. Drivers updated. Bios updated. EC reset. Windows network troubleshooter finds nothing. Nothing has worked yet.
Xoticpc says the next step is to reinstall Windows 10. Laptop is about 2 weeks old and the problem has been present from the beginning.
The only way I can get around this is to not use sleep mode, or to do a cold boot (restart does not bring wireless adapter back).
I don't want to RMA the laptop if possible, it is an excellent laptop in other respects. Any ideas?
Prostar Computer Company Representative
@biggles78 - Have you tested on just one network? Probably not a network issue, but would be worth knowing whether this happens on others as well (public - like a library or coffee house - or private).
Have you tried removing the current network drivers and reinstall the stock ones from MSI's site? -
I will try a different wifi network and see what happens. The MSI laptop is replacing an older MSI gt780dx. The gt780dx ran Windows 7 and did not have this problem on my home network.
The MSI GT72S came with the Killer Networking software suite, model number 1535. Xoticpc tech support suggested removing the software suite and just installing the standard drivers without killer features. I did so without success.
Just had another idea: is it possible Norton antivirus is causing the problem? Xoticpc sells their MSI laptops with Norton preinstalled. I normally run AVG. Would removing Norton and putting AVG (or some other antivirus software) be worth a try? -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Unfortunately trying other wifi networks did not help, nor did uninstalling Norton. Any other suggestions before trying a Windows reinstall? Or would forum members suggest an RMA at this point? Laptop purchase date was 4/18/2016, delivered to me approximately 5/3/2016.
Not sure if this added info helps. By experimentation I found out I can get the network adapters to come back by changing power settings for network adapter, putting laptop in sleep mode, then awakening it. However, the next time I activate sleep mode the network adapters are unavailable as before. So the problem appears to be associated with power settings and the network adapters. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with the wireless card in your computer. If you do have additional questions, let me know your order number and who you have been working with in our support team, and I can see if there is anything else I can do to help.
Norton does come pre-installed as a trial on MSI models, but I don't think it would be causing the issue as well.
When you are changing the power settings on the wireless card, are you only doing that in the advanced power settings in the control panel, or have you tried any settings in the device manager > properties for the wireless adapter.
Have you also checked the wireless card itself, just to make sure that it is seated in properly, and both antenna are properly connected? I'd say it is a small chance that could be the issue, if something is loose, but it could be worth checking.
We might be able to see if we could just cross ship a wireless card, instead of the whole system as well. But if there is anything I can help with, please let me know. -
Thanks for the reply, Pat. I will send you messages directly to try and resolve.
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Sounds good. I got your message and will check back with you soon. Thanks!
Solution (after about 15 hours of research and testing):
1. Reset Windows 10 (basically same thing as reinstall of OS)
2. Do NOT install MSI chipset drivers by Intel on MSI website. This appears to cause the problems with sleep mode. Will have to repeat step 1 if you do this
3. Do NOT allow Windows update to apply update ending with 6421. Since Windows 10 forces updates on users the best I could do was go into advanced options and tell it to NOT update any drivers
Exact model number of laptop is MSI GT72S 6QD. Since I have not seen other users posting about this problem perhaps it is unique to this laptop model number.
Is there a way to effectively report this bug to Intel or Microsoft in order to get it fixed? I can't imagine multi-billion dollar companies are going to pay attention to an anonymous user like me reporting it. -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
That's good information to share, thank you for letting everyone know about that. I'm glad to see you got it resolved.
If at any point you need help with anything else, just let me know. Thanks! -
Update: Windows 10 will force the OS update even with driver updates disabled. This in turn will break sleep mode as described above. Have to stop the Windows Update process as shown in option #1 here:
Not an ideal solution for sure. But I don't see any other way since Windows 10 forces updates on its users, unlike prior versions of Windows.
I am hopeful MS will repair this with a future Windows patch.hmscott likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
Without any consideration for what it does to the user, their computer, their software, their business, or any other associated ramifications. Microsoft acts like it doesn't care.
As long as the Windows 10 Update installs to Microsofts needs, whether it prevails over user desire is of no concern to Microsoft; the Windows 10 Update is working as designed.
It's not very nice of Microsoft to do this, but they are doing it, and have been doing it since Windows 10 was in Beta, and Microsoft will continue doing it as long as you let them do it to you.
My suggestion would be to run Windows 8.1 or Windows 7, or if you are so able, move to Linux or Solaris, or an Android based desktop OS like Jide:
Windows 10 computers are Microsoft's computers, not yours, when it comes to the OS. Get comfortable with that, or move to another OS.
That's what I said, but in a bit more detail. I hope that clears things upLast edited: May 30, 2016
Brand New Xoticpc MSI GT72S Drops Network Adapters awakening from sleep mode
Discussion in 'MSI' started by biggles78, May 24, 2016.