Hello, I just upgraded the bios on my friends MSI-1029 and now it seems that the graphics are messed up on boot.
the screen shows pink and fuzzy starting at the new msi boot screen till xp.
I have the same MSI-1029 and the 2.50 bios work fine on mine.
I'm looking for the original 2.30 bios so I can get it back to a working state.
If anyone has the 2.30 bios can you please zip it and email it to me.
FYI. did not use the just the thermal compound that came with it, the cpu and gpu are using good quality thermaltake paste.
The laptop worked fine until the 2.50 upgrade.
Any info would truly be appreciated.
That is what happened when I updated my bios....
And the short of it as you might know is to make sure your friend didnt accept the stock thermal pad over the GPU.
*when mine was cold started it would take 5 to 10 minutes to begin to degrade. Under load it was 1 to 2 minutes. -
I had the same problem when i updated my bios,
on my ms-1029 notebook,
my video is now pink and fuzzy,
i tried cleaning off the stock thermal compound
and using artic silver 5 for gpu and cpu,
no help, video is still pink and fuzzy, sux.
I think reverting back to bios v 2.3 would fix problem,
anyone have v 2.3?
www.timp.us -
Timmay, if you leave the laptop off for several hours does it show up exactly the same, pink and fuzzy, or does it take some time to change? and if so is it a sudden or gradual change?
When it first boots up, for the first few seconds the color seems to be ok,
but by the time windows starts, it's all pink and fuzzy. -
This sure sounds like what my 1029 was doing, though much faster.
Okay here's my last idea; When I put the AS5 on my GPU, I did have to tightend the screws down a noticable distance further. Sure it wasnt even a millimeter, maybe not even 0.25mm, but it was noticable.
Any one know if there is a torque spec for these screws?
Before I used the AS5 I spent a fair amount of time looking for BIOS v2.3 and couldnt find it. I would expect your only chance is to get a copy from your reseller. Though I would bet they have to get it from MSI. -
I feel as though i have done all i could do as far as the thermal compound
on the gpu, my only option left is to reload 2.3, now all i have to do is find it.
i hope msi will be helpful,
Bios upgrade problem
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Travo, Mar 16, 2006.