Just wondering the best place for me to purchase a gx640 in Canada. Cheapest prices are the biggest concern. Not too concerned about ship times.
Bonuses are also important! Thanks guys.
Also, while asking about it, how is the webcam on the gx640? The GE600 has the HD cam and it seems kind of neat..
10char -
I may just go with NCIX, as i can pick it up during my lacrosse tourney in two weeks. Saves me 50 bucks on shipping/insurance. And has a free mouse.
Anyone see these going on back to school sales soon? I doubt they will.. no one ever gives back to school specials on gaming laptops.
I ordered one from NCIX last week (on back order). They just received about 10 of them yesterday so I am hoping mine ships out today.
Best site to purchase the Gx640 in Canada?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Shwonx, Jul 21, 2010.