Was just wondering what is the best gpu my laptop can go other than the 9600mgt i honestly prefer ATI cards i found in another thread someone is able to put a 3870 onto this laptop by getting a msi g627 heatsink if i get that heatsink what would i have to do in order for it to fit properly and anyone know if the heatsink has copper for the gpu?
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
ati: 4670 gddr3, 3870, 4850
nvidia: 9800m gs and 160m gts -
those cards will fit in the laptop with the gt627 heatsink? really didn't know i have that many options thanks darth bane!
Espada mine fits pefectly, I just used a modded heatsink, pics here:
The HD 3870 is cheap but POWERFUL, I get around 11200 3dmarks06
Just buy this heatsink and you are good to go, but you have to also mod a backplate for the hd 3870 which is easy, just use your 9600gt backplate...
Temps are nicely ok, no more than 83C while gaming it idles at 42C
, it only cuts my battery life like 15-20minutes
My copper mod:
Link for the heatsink:
http://cgi.ebay.com/CPU-Heatsink-Fan-MSI-MS-1651-GX620-627-E32-0900533-F05_W0QQitemZ170419207611QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item27adc6bdbb (contact the seller)
BTW I just sold you a 9600gt, Why do you want to upgrade????? -
No im just thinking later on you know just in case! and what do you mean backplate? oh and rjtech sells the heatsink for $80. Oh my friend has the same comp and he wants me to check how much can he upgrade it.
That ebay seller was selling the heatsink for $30 USD + shipping.
how do i mod it this would be better if you had pictures or something. its behind the gpu right?
Well zfactor explained it, but you have to make some kind of anchors, well just get the 9600gt backplate and cut the edges with the holes, place those 4 edges to the HD3870 and its done. Damn I dont have any pictures atm cuz I would have to take apart my heatsink and I would need to reaply thermal paste.
Sorry its kinda hard for me to explain this in english... -
im guessing the thing i circled is the bacplate?
Exactly thats the backplate
You have to cut the yellow circled edges and place them on the HD 3870!.
oh snap alright! and im guessing this will work for any of the gpu darth listed above right?
Well if I were you I would pick the HD3870 or the 160m. The HD 4850 is almost impossible to get and VERY expensive, it is only 15-20% better than the HD 3870...
HD4850> HD 3870 = 160m > 9800GS > HD 4670 -
yea but between ati cards would it be.
HD4850 > HD4670 > 3870? i prefer ati over nvidia dont know why just do.
edit :forgot to add snake do you see a difference in temperature with your copper mod? -
LMAO lol NOOOOOOOO, the HD 3870 is WAY more powerful than the HD 4670, only if you check the notebookcheck page you would see the HD 4670 beating the HD 3870 but thats NOT true... The HD 4670 barely scores 7500 3dmarks and I get 10200 @ 1280 x 1024 without gpu overclocks... If I overclock the gpu Im almost matching an HD 4870
I prefer ATI too!.
Well with the copper mod I noticed a temp drop of like 4-5 C while idle, and 6-7 C while gaming. I had to modify my laptop cover a little bit. -
oh so its not that much what do you think if i were to put the shim right in between the gpu and the heatsink and you think it wouldnt fit?
You better get these for your ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835207003, and use ICD7 or arctic silver for the gpu and the cpu. (ICD7 is the best thermal compound).
lol a step ahead of you already got those for my ram and i use mx2 for my thermal compound.
need to look at all the benchmarks when your deciding on which gpu to go with. 3870 looks very nice in 3dmark, but a 4850 is quite a bit more powerful in real game performance. Overclocking isn't the same for every card, just because people post they can overclock up to X amount does not mean its stable or even safe to use it at those settings. ATi gpu's can sometimes fall behind in "real world "performance due to lack of up to date drivers. Nvidia also spits out drivers more often, but a lot of times they are not 100% stable. Theres also the faulty die issue that happened with some of their gpu's a while back that sticks in peoples mind.
im prob not gonna overclock the gpu. which would would give me the best fps a 3870 or a 4850? i like ati cards, feel more comfortable with them but if the 9800m gs is so much better than both then ill try to get those. or is 160m gts better than all? and for the nvidia cards would i gt627 heatsink work with them?
gt627 heatsink will need to be modded to work with the 3870. Have to ask darth bane about the heatsink for the 4850. I would go with the 4850 if you won't be overclocking at all.
anyone think a Nvidia GeForce 512MB 9800M GTS Video Card; 16X PCIe; DX10 MMX 2.1 Type III will fit in the laptop with the moded heatsink?
edit: reason y because i am looking at this
not sure if it is worth it or not maybe if its like 250? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
That is MXM 2.1 HE in the photo, so I think the seller is wrong about it being III.
It probably wont work in your notebook because it's > 60W (I think).
Maybe if you undervolt, I don't know.
If I were you I would flash your GS to a GTS (if you have the 9800m GS ATM) or buy a 4850. -
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
He has a 9600m gt, the default card of the gx620. You are thinking of the gt627. I would never pay that much for a 9800m gts. Get a 3870 instead.
yea thats what i was thinking 3870. might be able to get a 4850 from alienware so i gotta hope that works out.
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Be careful anyway hahahhaa my HD 3870 just died hahahaha.
@ Ayle, see this thread:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=453426 -
So I'm jumping on the bandwagon and I'm looking to upgrade the GPU on my gx620 as well. Going to go with a 3870, 160m or 9800m GS... if I could find one. I'm assuming they're pretty rare and that I'll have to keep searching ebay and the marketplace here. Any tips on where I could get one? Thanks!
and there should be some on ebay -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
The 9800 GTS is just an overcocked 9800 GS.
What you could probably do is flash the GTS bios to GS speeds and lower the voltage.
It might take some troubleshooting but in theory it should work.
Best gpu for my msi1651(gx620)
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Espada, Jan 20, 2010.