About to change my order last minute, what HDD would you guys recommend other than an SSD? I would go SSD but I can't afford a high capacity one, so I'm looking at 750GB hybrid Seagates. Any recommendations? Looking for something with at least 500GB in size.
Also, don't know if you really needed to create a new thread for this, but I digress.
IMHO, not worth it. Don't get the hybrid, save your pennies until you can afford a SSD and take advantage of the 2 bays, then you can use the 750gb as storage. You don't really need much more than 250gb for the main drive anyways, right? -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
I recommend 750GB Hybrid drive for budget issue.
If you want really fast, I still recommend SSD drive.
Best HD Option for GT60 0NE
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Kazalor, Aug 16, 2012.