Hello All,
I have been playing the Battlefront beta this weekend and have noticed that my cpu is reaching temperatures I have never seen before during gameplay. I have reached as high as 95c and have noticed extremely bad gameplay due to throttling unless I have my fan manually set to max. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this? This has not been and still is not an issue with any other games. My computer is clear of dust and is using the stock thermal paste. With the fan at max my cpu sits at a steady 80c.
Would there be any issue with running the fan at max for extended periods of 2-3 hours of gameplay? I have never really had to enable it before.
No, there is no issue with running max fans.
The problem is that GT70 and 60 have very modest fan speeds at stock (I think up to 60% instead of 100% like max fan), which result in high temps. I recommend you downloading MSI's Silent Option and tweak the settings for additional air cooling. I used to tweak mine to run at 80% fan speed and I had much better temps. -
Thank you ryzeki this program seems to have done the trick. I am going tweak to fan settings to get it just right, but I am no longer getting the throttling issues.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Might be worth opening it up and cleaning out the fan/heatsink if you have not done so since getting it.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes, make sure there is not a matt of dust forming where the fan meets the heatsink.
If you feel comfortable doing so you may want to consider a re-paste too. -
Do you use a notebook cooler? You can drop some temperatures of CPU and GPU using it.
I tried both with and without while playing. I used the u3 cooler and did not see much difference.
Battlefront on GT70 2PC
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Xanius, Oct 11, 2015.