Sorry for my poor english I'm a french user of your website.
I have some questions about my news MSI GT60 0ne
I own it for one week and today I can see an etrange thing concerning the battery charge.
Before today, the battery stop charging when it was between 93 and 99% of charge, and the battery indicator turns off.
Today, it seems the battery not stopping charging. Indicator is always on and Windows 7 is saying always "99%, in charge".
I try to remove the AC adaptor, use the battery to reach 80% charge, then plug it and charge to see if the indicator turns off, no success.
Is it normal ?
Prostar Computer Company Representative
You can try an EC reset and a battery calibration.
1. EC reset - remove battery and charging cable while laptop is off. Press + hold power button for 4 - 5 seconds. Leave laptop as is for a few minutes, then reconnect battery and charger.
2. Calibration - Charge the battery to the maximum (100% - or until it stops charging). Continue to use it while plugged in for about two hours. Now unplug the charger and let the computer run until it hibernates (set the hibernate threshold to 5% - or as low as it will allow you - in Windows power options). Leave it in hibernation for several hours (5 or more) to fully drain the battery. Then, plug the charger in and allow the battery to charge to 100% again; you may use the laptop while it charges. -
Thank you for your reply.
When I go back home after the work, I plug my computer with the charger and the charging led turn off
Then I try to unplug the charger, leaving battery down to 80% and I replug the charger. The Led indicater turn off few minutes after battery charged at 100%.
So I think there is no problem.
Edit : I let the battery down to 98% and I plug the charger. No led indicater and Win7 is saying "98%, no charge"It's all good
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Hey Raptor, that's great! Enjoy your system; MSI makes one heck of a laptop.
Battery questions MSI GT60 680m
Discussion in 'MSI' started by RaptorFr, May 30, 2013.