I have a msi-gx630 and the lcd has lines up and down. I get just scrambled with hooked up to external...I attached a pic. Thanks Michael
Attached Files:
Sounds like a lcd needs to be replaced. Is it still under warranty?
If it was the lcd, shouldn't it worked hooked up external monitor? Out of Warranty..
That is indeed the video card. Maybe corrupted vram.
Warranty. -
Yep, GPU, dont believe its the display,
You'l need a replacement GPU
Although its not often i see ati cards doing that. -
Well let me back up, I guess the first time I hook it up external, it didn't sync up. It is starting up on external now so that would be lcd then right? Thanks
Quite possibly, you having everything come through ok on the external?
Might be worth checking temps, it'l be nice if the cards still alive and well!
Welcome to the forum btw,.
Are there any unusual lines or anything on the external?
EDIT: If it is the LCD, on of our members made a guide to replacing it HERE -
No external is good to go...guess a new lcd is in order...
Thats good to know man,
Shouldn't be hard to get a replacement! -
Give that guide in my last post a go, it should help.
Hi, Hornnumb2.
Before you go for new LCD you might try to change the inverter for it. It costs no more than about 20-30 USD. I'm not 100% sure, but I think that your laptop should use the same inverter as MS-1651 barebone model. Part number of the inverter is S78-3300450-SG3. You can do some research for it. At eBay there is similar one - here. You can ask the seller is it compatible with yours.
It might also be just the cable that connects the LCD. As I see the LCD just don't get the signal right. Before you buy new one try playing with cable connector also. -
Well the lcd didn't work, I just get a blank screen now but the backlight is coming on. Does the inverter just control the backlight? might try a lcd cable next...Any other suggestions. Thanks Michael
Oh crap another GX630 does it have amd and nforce chipset?
If so you better try to get it fix quick. Once it turn on but no post there will little you can do.
I have a old GX620 with the same problem, it turns on put no post only the HDD light stays on.
I have tried a different CPU RM-70 different RAM treid reseting the bios by disconnecting the bios battery for 30mins tried using the heat trick with heatgun on the chipset and GPU.I tried putting a copper shim on the chipset no dice.
To me I got the laptop really cheap for parts thinking I could fix it.
when I first opened it up to see the thermal paste I was shocked, there was no thermal pad on the chipset then I took a good look at the chipset to me it look brown usually nvidia chipset are green around the die so, I guessed the chipset got so hot that the chipset got toasted. -
It works fine hooked up to a external monitor..
Are you sure you plugged in the LVDS cable to the back of your LCD fully.
The inverter seems to work if you see the screen brightness.
other then that I suggest opening the laptop and seeing if the chipset has a thermal pad or try to get a copper shim to remedy the problem. -
It should be cable issue. Otherwise I think that the LCD wouldn't act like this. Try what Mark says.
Bad video card?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Hornnumb2, Feb 16, 2010.