Anyone else find that the onboard mic is basically unusable for all practical applications? I can't use it in skype, vent, mumble, in steam games, anything. The built in mic in this laptop is just utter crap and I can never get it to work halfway decently.
Also, is anyone else having an issue of the touchpad just plain going crazy? It seems like after I switch to the touchpad, it goes to after a few minutes. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
I've also noticed the S-Bar crashes if you try to use it after it comes out of sleep mode, but that I can live with and just wait a little longer until adjusting whatever.
I am a new owner of the GT780DX - I have noticed the Touchpad issue - however I hate touchpads and use a Logitech Anywhere MX mouse - a real pleasure. Is there newer drivers for the touchpad ?
I have made one Skype call just to test out the camera / mic - not impressed with the camera (may be other issue) but the person I was calling said the audio was fine. Is the laptop new ? Did you get all the clear plastic off the mic ?
I also don't let my computer sleep or hibernate - I have never found these "features' usefull in any version of Windows so can't speak to that. -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
You'll need to open the LCD frame and remove the stuck on rectangular piece of plastic.
See my post,#4852 in the GT780/GT783 owners lounge.
For the touch pad try the newest Sentelic driver
SENTELIC drivers
One of your programs like CCleaner,Glary Utilities etc could be removing the S-Bar utility from the start menu?
To force Skype to use HD try the ForceSkypeHDinstaller.msi -
I removed the black rectangular piece of plastic blocking the mic holes, though my mic is still extremely quiet. Even my external mic is too quiet for people to hear, I don't get whatever is going on here.
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
v2.67 build 6526
Realtek drivers Audio -
I kept messing around with the settings, it was some of the effects that were enabled for the microphone that was making it sound extremely quiet. I turned off all the effects in realtek and windows and it works much better now!
Though it probably wouldn't hurt to update the drivers too. -
Always keep drivers updated.
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Graphics Driver - Verde 290.53 Driver - GeForce -
i too have the gt780dxr-279us and the main problem i have with this machine is the vga fan keeps whooshing up and down all the time, its not a pleasant sound when its just sitting there idling and all you hear is the fan. Or even if just watching a youtube or playing a game all you hear is that fan, its loud.
i'd say its going at twice the speed it should. i woud like to cut it down to half the noise level. i didn't buy this to just play, i bought it to replace my desktop all together, and i just put in new silent arctic cooler heatsinks in my desktop, so i'd like silence on the laptop too.
anyone know what i can do for this problem?
i think the fan curve on this gtx570m is much too steep. i saw the fan has 3 wires coming from it, so it must be able to be controled via software.
i tried msi afterburner, no go, it won't let me play with the speeds, just clocks speeds, which do nothing.
so 2 questions i need youguys help with:
1 - is there anything i can do to make it silent? list it all, i'm cool with hardware mods, firmware flashing, etc
2 Someone know a new fan design i can put in this laptop to make it silent?
but i could also go with a hacked firmware to just manage the fan speed myself, i need an unlocked vidcard firmware and a program to control or change fan speeds
or better yet a firmware with new fan curve all together, making the boot process quieter too.
there really should be something we can do with these 2000$ machines.
and yeah, the mic is really terrible on it, there's a black tape inside the bezel so i'll have to open that and remove it.
msi should really address this issue, there's no point in getting a gaming laptop if you're gonna play with friends who can't hear you. team work is key in winning. -
mindinversion Notebook Evangelist
I have this problem on every computer I own and maintain in my household. I have to manually go into recording devices and manually turn them up.
All systems to which I refer run Windows 7 64 home prem or pro.
That's what headset/mic combos are for.
More seriously, I don't think I could use the built in mic/speakers while using something like Vent. . too much bleed over into the mic. I wonder if that's why they had the steelseries headset with MIR package awhile back tho. . . -
thanks for the reply, i agree it would be great if someone made silent laptop fans, i know OCZ went into making DIY laptops a while back, maybe they'd know. it shouldn't be that hard if there's enough room to switch the fan.
Anyway, good idea about a headset and mic, i could just get a 20$ cheapo mic from amazon or somewhere and that would work too. i'd hate to not use those great dynaudio speakers tho, they really are that good.
And coincidentally Tom's Hardware has a review of wireless headsets and mics:
Eight 5.1- And 7.1-Channel Gaming Headsets, Reviewed
i'll see if there's one i like in there. i looked on razer for the chimera 5.1 but i haven't heard from Razer yet if it works on pc or just xbox. -
also when using the onboard mic for skype or recording do you get a lot of static? -
Related? -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
There an OFFICIAL WHQL v295.73 NVIDIA Verde driver out now that you should use.
During installation choose custom installation and then uncheck parts you don't need like NVIDIA audio,NVIDIA Update and 3D.
Then check the box that says do a clean driver installation.
Graphics Driver - Verde 295.73 Driver - GeForce
Turbo ,P1 key doesn't work while on battery power.NVIDIA Overclocking Tool installed? -
Installed the new drivers and the NVidia Overclocking tool and its working again. It could be me but it doesn't really feel like it's overclocking when I press the turbo button now. Do I need to set which clock set its changing to when I press the turbo button in the NVidia Overclocking Tool?
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Then run MSI Afterburner and adjust the setting you want for the P1 function.
When you turn off the P1 function the unit will return to normal. -
is there a way to make p1 overclock everything, including the memory?
CPU can't be overclocked unless you get the Extreme CPU to my knowledge. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can't overclock the CPU by much, only 4% or so using the unlocked bios. It does not support multiplier changing.
omg my exprimation was so bad
I war referring to gpu core/shader/memory. p1 overclocks core/shader, is there a way for it to overclock al three?? -
So just pressing P1 itself doesn't overclock anything, it's only after you launch the afterburner and set a speed? What about if you have the afterburner set to launch on windows start?
stock = 525/1050
p1 pressed, afterburner not running => 575 / 1150
p1 not pressed, afterburner 700 / 1400 => stock
p1 pressed, afterburner 700 / 1400 => 700 / 1400 -
As it turns out for the mic issue it appears to be the Realtec Drivers. No joke. I rolled them back to windows defaults and its not nearly as soft
Bad mic quality, Touchpad crapping out, S-Bar crashes on GT780DXR
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Illuminaughty, Jan 7, 2012.