Since i have 2 SODIMMS with 1gb each memory downclocks and MSI is been skeptic about it.
I sent them this and now i waiting for an answer:
Attached Files:
as you can see in my review.. it was a known problem.. as of now a private beta bios for reselllers is in testing stages.. a final bios release for the public is not known yet
dual ram sticks are known to downclock while you have one.. it will run at full speed..
and also may i ask where you purchase this notebook? -
A Final BIOS release is out, v2.50 which does address the downclocking issue but with no guarantees if you are not using Supertalent SODIMMS which are, at this point, the only sticks on MSI's AVL.
At least you have the ability in the 250 bios to go and change the speed, at least in my bios i could. i set it to 333 and now my memory runs at or about full speed.
hmm im getting old.. need to get the update then
Bios upgraded from MSI. I put it on Auto and it drops it at 266 (system runs ok)... if i put it on 400 (system become unbereably unstable) i haven't tried 333... I have 2 SODIMM SuperTalent brand...and still unstability is a huge problem if RAM forced to 400Mghz. Grrrrrrr !!!! oihhh and answer directly from MSI:
MS-1029 supports DDR 400 memory but only for 1 pc of DDR 400 to run 400MHz but not for all 2 pcs of DDR 400 memory module to run 400MHz. Different data loading of DDR400 memory will have different consequence. According to the AMDs documentation, DDR266 will be shown when data loading is 4 and address/control loading at max of 34, please accept this limitation of AMD memory controller.
What a bunch of loosers ^^^ Can you believe this? -
Please go into the bios and check the ver. you have. If you have not downloaded the bios from the MSI website, please do so. You should be running Ver. 2.50.
Bios from here!
Next, CPUID should see the Super Talent as MaLabs ram and not as Kingston as shown in your 4th pic. -
I updated the Bios and i am runing 2.50 ... I opened the laptop and dimms are labeled sutpertalent D400SB1G but they have samsung kingston chips
problem still there... -
Those are the same chips I have tested and they are seen as DDR400 and MaLabs.
Run a memory test on the sticks if have have not yet. Set the bios to default and retest with CPUID. -
Paired Supertalent DDR400 modules have always run at 400MHz for me starting from beta BIOS release 2.41, under beta version 2.43 and now under the FINAL release version 2.50. That being said, MSI still asserts that DDR400 is not officially supported in a paired SODIMM configuration. One might surmise is that this is due to a small percentage of systems that experienced problems (again, I have not up to now) under v2.50, perhaps you fall into this category.
ifi leave the updated bios memory settings on auto it drops it to 266... now i am running at 333 but if i put it to 400 system becomes VERY UNSTABLE...and cpuid doesn eve give me a accurate reading
In the bios, is the CAS latency set to 3?? i think I read somewhere it had to be 3 or the system would be unstable. I couldn't tell what the bios setting was from your thumbnails.
Unfortunately, unlike a desktop BIOS the BIOS for a laptop does not offer many tweaking options including user defined CAS latency and memory timings.
that's right... i can only switch between Auto, 266, 333, 400 but so far so good in 333 maybe another windows version isn't that unstable while running 400, SuperTalent called me yesterday and said there isn't a memory i guess MSI is to blame regarding this. and you already saw what the Costumer Service Representative said...we need more ppl to complain about this...maybe that way they work on a fix for it via Bios update. -
The issue is supposedly related moreso to AMD's memory controller. In short, it's not a memory issue that's for sure, however, I don't know if any degree of BIOS tweaking on the part of MSI will ever fully resolve the issue. Best bet is to either configure initially with DDR333 (if you'll be using paired SODIMMs) or get DDR400 and be prepared to adjust the frequency in the BIOS down to 333 in the event you experience instabilities.
just like i did and the way i am gonna have to learn to live with for the life.length of my laptop
Back and forth with MSI Costumer Service
Discussion in 'MSI' started by NYBOY, Nov 15, 2005.