Hello. Can somebody explain what these are and what benefits or consequences if they are enabled or disabled. Thanks in advance.
SATA Configuration: Disabled, Compatible, Enhanced
Boots Graphic Adapter Priority: IGD, PCI/IGD, PCI/PEG, PEG/IGD, PEG/PCI
Internal Graphics Mode Select
PAVP Mode: Lite, High
PEG Port
USB Functions
USB Port Configure
SMBUS Controller
EDIT: What laptop are you using? -
The laptop is using an Nvidia GF 9600M GT. Should I set it to PEG/IGD or something else? -
Nah, it will default to it since it is the only graphics card on the system.
Meanwhile, USB Port Configure has 6x6 and 8x4 as options. What does that mean? -
I have no idea. I have never seen options like that b4.
Probably best to leave them alone til we can find out. -
BIOS Questions
Discussion in 'MSI' started by gladel, Dec 3, 2009.