I just bought a GT70 202 yesterday and after putting in a new drive I decided to try to play a little BF3. I was a little disappointed withe the performance. I had to set it to low in order to get a decent frame rate and even then it would drop into the teens. So with this i7 3610 and a GTX 675 what should I expect? Is there a thread somewhere that has ways of tweaking the machine. Because I did a new install I wonder if I forgot any app. Any help would be appreciated.
Are you running the laptop on AC power and not battery? Did you make sure to set the laptop to High Performance in the power management settings? Are you doing anything else int he background that could be tying up the laptops resources? If that doesn't work, I would try a different driver maybe. You should be getting much better performance than that. I have BF3 maxed and my frame rate never drops even close to that. Though my system is a fair bit more powerful.
If the light on the power button isn't orange, you shouldn't be running anything demanding.
Thanks I will be sure to check for other programs. The only other one that I can think of is Precession that i use for monitoring. I also just realized the the driver is old, I could have swon that I put the latest one from MSI on there.
Just after posting I realized that I did have the lastet Win7 one. 296.75. Are there any better drivers out there? -
It seems that for whatever reason nVidia is being a pain and not letting us download the new drivers for the high end cards from them. So until MSI posts up newer drivers I'm pretty sure you would need to find a hacked .inf file to be able to install them.
Look in the Windows 8 driver section, it looks like it has a 3xx series driver. From what I know the nVidia drivers are unified so you should be able to use it for Win7 as well. Though waiting until someone else confirms that might be a good idea -
DirtyTrickster Notebook Evangelist
I have the same setup. I'll run bf3 tonight on stock drivers and report back.
I can play BF3 at 1600x900 Res with everything on Ultra and get high FPS with my GT60 (GTX 670m)
DirtyTrickster Notebook Evangelist
I just played quick round of DM on noshahr canals. I was getting between 50-80 fps. Here are my video settings and some screen shots
DirtyTrickster Notebook Evangelist
I just updated my drivers to these Drivers | GeForce I see a slight improvement. Maybe 5 or so FPS. I didn't really play much though. Only one map (64 player though)
That shot of your settings will be helpful whenever I get a chance to give it a try. -
DirtyTrickster Notebook Evangelist
Orange light from where?
If it is on the power button and switching between white and orange, this should indicate the switching graphics and what card your laptop is using. -
DirtyTrickster Notebook Evangelist
BF3 Performance?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by DukeCLR, Aug 29, 2012.