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    Asking for help for my MSI GS43VR 7RE

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by fullofspirit, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. fullofspirit

    fullofspirit Newbie

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    Hello, guys. I just want to ask something for my MSI GS43VR 7RE.
    Few months ago, I dropped my backpack accidently and my gs43vr got damaged.
    Thankfully nothing was broken inside. But the problem is while is is been impacted on the ground,
    the palmrest and the bottom cover got sort of distorted. The nasty things are the nut that holds bolt got broken.
    The plastic holder that holds these nuts got broken. I've tried with different glue but didn't hold for long time.

    So I just have some conclusion that I have to exchange the palmrest and the cover.
    Of course I can just send it to service center, but it costs too much.
    Hereby I ask you if any of you know the parts numbers for palmrest cover and bottom cover.
    I saw there is some gs40 parts. But I'm not sure if gs40 is totally identical to gs43.

    Also if you know about glue or chemicals well, it will be thankful that you can assist me to find right glue for
    these types of plastics that used on laptop. I've tried several named glue but didn't work very well.

    Thank You and Have a Wonderful New Years Day~~~