I have been with Asus for a long time, but not because I am brand loyal simply because they had the best performance vs money ratio (aka value) in the high end performance category.
I like to swap out my old laptop for a new one about every 2 years as to never have wear & tear catch up to me. Problem is that Asus seems to have changed their marketing standpoint. All the new G73 models are now G74's and the best GPU is only what I consider mid-ranged GTX560.
So thinking of MSI because they seem to be picking up where Asus left off with the G73. Kinda been eying MSI ever since Gentech did the review of the GT780R
MSI GT780R 17" Gaming Laptop First Look & Review- Part 1 - YouTube
High end speakers/audio
Cool keyboard
Overall looks and build quality not quite G73 quality.
So this is where I sort of want to see if anybody that owns or did own a G73 got one of the high end MSI gaming laptops and how you feel about the change over.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
What exactly is better built in a G73 or G74?
You were very carefull not to use the word UPGRADE in the thread title. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
The overall build quality.
Screen seems nicer, rubber coating on the palm rest, cooling system, its hard to point you to one thing that I feel is better so thats why I just say overall.
Still though I created a thread asking a question about the GT78X not so much to talk about the G73.
I was the first G73 owner and its still going strong to this day, its been the single best laptop I ever owned. I just am not a fan of the G74's and looking at the MSI as an alternative. -
I made switch from the G73 to the MSI GT780 and have been much happier.
IMO, the MSI has a better cooling design, the screen is WAY better, Sound is 1000 times better and the MSI has been rock solid stable no matter what I do to it, unlike the G73. I can't speak for the track pad as I never used it on either notebook. Personally I like the aluminum finish more than the rubberized finish of the Asus, although the rubberized is not so bad.
However, they seem identical in speed and gaming capability with comparable cpu/gpu combos.
And easier access to the components. -
Previous owner of an Asus N80 (I know its not a G73).
I can comment only on build quality since the N80 wasnt a gaming laptop. The over build quality of the asus was vastly superior to the msi, especially the keyboard and trackpad, however the screen, cooling of the msi or top notch. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Build quality is likely less, but it wont fall apart so long as you dont throw it around the room and the cooling quality is likely better.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Hey Vicious,
Well, your GT78x dislikes I think would be very subjective to personal preferences for most, and I am not sure a rubberized plastic shell necessarily makes for 'better build quality'..... though it does look cool. Also, I do not believe Asus considered component accessibility, seemingly discouraging users 'by design' in it's G-series. Cleaned your fans lately? I'll bet by now you can dissassemble that entire notebook blindfolded, right?
Aside from the 'stealthy' appearance, overall the Asus does feel more solid and rigid, and this is especially notable in the design of the screen lid. But this is not to say the MSI is flimsy either. It is simply a thinner design than it's bulkier counterpart, and the Asus model has heavier hinges. Either way, given care, I think both notebooks should last until newer tech beckons their replacement. You are not planning on tossing your GT780/783 around, are you?OF COURSE NOT!
Anyhow, I know you respect Ken's opinion. What does he have to say of this? Also, I know you are a resourceful guy too...... so why not get your hands on a GT-78x, and see what ya think? I think a departure from 'stealthiness' may be a little difficult for you, but overall, I am betting you'll agree...... the GT78x series has much to offer at this point in time.
Good Luck with your quest, and it's nice seeing you in this neck of the woods.
I have used both (a friend still owns a G73jh) and while the Asus is indeed moe sturdy, the build quality of the MSI is not really bad.
Looks are entirely subjective so I can't say its better or worse at all. Up to you.
But something important at least for me... the sound. There is just no comparison.
Other than that, MSI has become more popular lately exactly because they picked up like Asus, going for performance/price and it shows. Great hardware combinations at affordable prices.
I have been using my MSI for a year and 7 months non stop, on field duty (power engineer) and it has proven to be reliable so far.
Cooling is definitely noiser, but its also quite good at its job. I still like the designs of asus more, but the msi isnt that bad. Besides i'm not buying the computer for looks haha. -
at least MSI build is enough to call it "sturdy" and it's far better than entry-level MSI notebooks! it's not all that "plasticy"..
I own G73 right now but I consider MSI over new G75 which is coming out soon.Why? Because of GTX 580M graphics.
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Hmm have not seen any info on the G75, wonder if they will drop in the top cards again like the 580 or 6970. The current GTX560 in the G74 is an insult for a high end gaming laptop.
AlwaysSearching Notebook Evangelist
But given the performance of the 640 shouldn't the 670 be a pretty substantial improvement over the 560?
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Never owned a G73-4 or a G53, but a huge turnoff for me was how hard it would be for me to get to components. I like to repaste and maybe do some cooling mods.
Jumped the Asus G-line ship, haven't looked back since. -
The 670 is a shrinked Fermi and maybe 5-10% faster than a 570!
675 is a shrinked 580 and comes also with sligthly higher clocks.
Asus G is really a mess to disassemble. I need almost 30 minutes, have 'thousands' of screws just to see the fans, CPU or GPU.
I can hold the CPU of my 1727 barebone within 5 minutes (exactly 9 screws).
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Bleh why do they do this, makes things confusing. I have not looked at team green in so long that I am a bit behind on there GPU relabeling. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Up to 635 -> fermi
640 -> 660 -> little kepler
670 -> 675 -> fermi
680 -> middle kepler -
My friend owns a MSI GT780DX and while the i7 2670QM + GTX 570m combo nearly beats my Clevo 170HMx i7 2720QM + HD 6970m (Both on stock) its single fan cooling makes more noise.
But its running cool so its doing a good job at it.
I also helped with adding a Crucial M4 64gb drive.
Would i have bought a similar system myself?
I would answer no, but only because of the design.
Still too flashy for me.
But the keyboard is superb compared to the Clevo unit. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
Yeah I got over "flair" many years ago. I was not able to ever really like the Asus G50 because of that neon orange and flashy look.
I am ok with multi color keyboards and stuff, thats more neat than "flashy" and it can be turned off.
The G73 was the ultimate enthusiast design without being flashy. It was something you could break out at both a LAN and get respect but not feel out of place using it in a business meeting. Also non flashy carrying bag came with it, also a major bonus. -
The Asus Backpack was the best part of my G73.
Since you can change the colors of the backlight on the keyboard, I have found that a single darker color is much more to my liking than the multicolor. But the GT780 is pretty normal looking (non-flashy). I have only had people notice my notebook when I have the kb with more than one color. Compared to the G73, where I got lots of comments on its "fighter jet" look. Either way, they are both about equal in the without any stupid flashy crap. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
If you like a more demure look the MSI barebones are your best port of call.
Anybody converted from Asus G73 to MSI GT78X?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ViciousXUSMC, Mar 13, 2012.