MSI Global ? News
I was wondering if this has been released, and if so, has there been any reviews/thoughts on it yet? I was particularly intrigued by the size/power potential even though I'm told the screens aren't usually impressive from MSi. Perhaps this laptop is similar to the LG P330, with no news whatsoever except the announcement?
So, I'm taking that as a "no"? Perhaps I missed something, but these specs seem pretty sweet to me... obviously, there's a good chance they will ruin it with an atrocious screen, but it's not like there's a whole lot of reasonable options in that size.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
The X460 will be coming in to the US in mid-August.
The DX version with switchable graphics will come later...if at all.
Which one would interest you most? -
Not quite sure, since I seem to recall there was a tradeoff between discrete graphics and i7. Definitely would go for the i7 quad though if it was a choice between i5 w/graphics and quad i7 without graphics.
The 1366x768 on a 14" does sound a little disappointing though, and from what I've read MSI has been using pretty abysmal screens lately in terms of color quality and contrast. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
It appears the i7 Quad will not go with discrete graphics.
Recently, the screens on MSI models have been great, and tend to never have any defective pixels. -
Well, I've had good experience with other MSI products that I've used in the past. See, I recently bought the Samsung series 9 w/i7 from Costco since it was the only reasonable ultraportable I could find without completely destroying my wallet w/ the new Vaio Z (though it really is tempting...). I figured that with the 90 day return policy I'll be able to keep an eye out on these upcoming laptops and possibly get one of them instead if they're better. This was on my list to look at...
<unrelated rant>
The Series 9 is nice, but there are a few things I'm not too pleased with:
Obviously the wifi issue, though it's not that bad, and my university has strong G coverage everywhere, so it should be alright.
The sharp edges facing me aren't very nice for typing... kinda scratches the arms.
ULV processor is decent, but Turboboost combined with Integrated graphics seems to lead to a lot of odd bugs like jumpy framerates, screen flickering black in browser, and jumpy aero features.
The "clickpad" irritates me.. I just want real buttons!
The matte screen is a little aggressive - kinda grainy, though it's overcome by the high levels of brightness.
The keys are kind of "soft" and "mushy".
</unrelated rant> -
So, I'm still waiting for info on this, because it could be very interesting with Quadcore...
I did find this on Amazon: MSI X460-004US 14-Inch Laptop - Black: Computer & Accessories
That price seem quite reasonable.. though I'm not sure how valid it is after looking at the technical specs listed lol: -
The X460DX sounds interesting to me. i5 2410M + GT540 and ~2 kg / 4.4 lbs. According to their website even a i7 2630QM would be possible, but I have my doubts, as possible heat / throttling issues.
Only the screen resolution I find a disappointment, I would prefer 1600 x 900. Do you think the screen can be easily swapped?
And some minor things like the partial glossy finish and the single mouse buttons, I would also prefer matte finish and two separated mouse buttons. -
I have no idea about screen swaps, but I personally would be hesitant to try it... also, I'm a little curious if the US one will even have Quad Core or the Graphics card. The specs are rather vague on the few vendors who are offering preorders on the various models.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
You will have a choice of either the Quad Core processor or the nVIDIA GeForce GT 540M, but this unit will not support both.
They are now available in the US and will be on our website shortly. -
Now we just need a reviewer
I think the real deciding factor with this notebook is how the screen stacks up to the competition in terms of brightness, color quality, and contrast. It's no IPS to be sure, but if it beats, say, the Vaio SR, I'm sold
The x46dx has just been released here in South Korea with 8gb ram, 750GB 7200 rpm HDD and 2 additional HDD slots! Price is around $900
Considering the almost identical specs Acer 3830tg and 4830tg suffer from throttling and battery wear issues, I would be in dire need of a review before picking up this beast -
To me this makes little sense. There's only 10W TDP difference between i5 dual core and i7 quad core. Sounds like it's borderline cooling. Not good. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
No, it is not borderline, it is MSI being very conservative.
We will be testing it with both the GT540M and Intel® i7-2630QM to see how conservative they are, and then make a decision about what we offer from there. We should have them by Friday and should have our testing results by Monday or Tuesday. -
Good, thanks for testing. So assuming that the CPU is socketed and not soldered, although assuming GPU is soldered?
Have specs for the 540m? I only ask because nVidia tends to offer a half dozen variations of their GPU's for some reason.
Is there an option for a 1600x900 or 1920x1080 screen? Matte?
Any option for blu-ray player? Their site says DVDRW, but not sure if it's like the M14x slot load 9.5mm of which no blu-ray exists (except for Sony proprietary at $500).
Any idea on battery life? Optimus should help matters. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Please ask again once we have them in hand and have tested. I won't remember to come back to this post.
Though most of you probably already have some place in mind for purchasing this, I just received an email from MSI confirming that various online retailers including Amazon and Newegg will begin shipping next week.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Amazon & Newegg are ok for stock units, but if you want any upgrades the good 'ole custom builders on this forum would be better choices.
Just letting people know, since it hasn't been well publicized on the internet. It's going to be interesting to see which fares better, the new ASUS 13.3" or the x460 in terms of upgrade potential... I'm hoping the x460 has a decent screen (decent being anything even slightly better than the trash that's been coming out lately) and handles a couple of upgrades... having the Quad i7 combined with the graphics card would be awesome
Really the only other way to get those two combined otherwise is to get a workstation from Dell/HP which gets rather expensive quickly.
Just saw the msi x460dx on and and it's in stock, I'm very excited : )
Now all I need to see is a good review~ -
MSI X460 notebook - YouTube
the only think i understood was the intel widi which seems awesome =p -
Looks really good... only thing is that the display looks very glossy, though that might just be because of the bright overhead lamps. Also, the case is a fingerprint magnet
But at least the colors look good... this has potential
I'm having trouble deciding between the x460dx and the Asus U46SV. It seems that Asus seems to have better quality from researching forum posts and articles online but I've also read that Asus quality has been going downhill while MSI is going uphill. I'm looking to get at least 3 years out of this thing. Should I wait a little longer for the Asus or should I get the MSI?
They're now up for customization on PowerNotebook's website and, unfortunately, it appears that there is not an option to go Quad on the version with the video card :-( Sad day. Apparently too much heat?
With that said, you can take the 2630 to 2820QM on the quad version.
I'm looking at ordering it shortly... just need a review -
Yeah, I'm really digging this laptop... I just want to make sure there is no throttling/heat issues. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
MSI is supposed to begin shipping them to us today. We should have them on Wednesday and will begin testing then.
EDIT: If anybody has seen a review of this beauty, please post it (any language). -
Awesome. Hopefully it is fully configurable. Here's my desire:
1600x900 screen (1080p preferable but not likely in 14")
8GB DDR3 1333
< $1000 and I'm sold! -
Unlikely since the base unit with 2630QM is $1099, and that's only 1336x768 (or whatever it was) with a super-multi drive.
The 460dx? You mean this one for $750 at newegg? - MSI X460DX-008US Notebook Intel Core i3 2310M(2.10GHz) 14" 4GB Memory 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
If a place like PowerNotebooks can get the i7-2630qm to work with the GT 540m, then one would think they could get the 2630QM and a better screen resolution and blu-ray for about $1000. -
That's true, but it's also a big "if". And aren't those processors a little expensive?
I don't know if you've checked it out on PowerNotebooks' site but they are charging $199 for upgrading to the 2520m
How hard would it be to install an SSD in the X460DX and would it void the warranty?
Just wondering, does this laptop use Nvidia' Optimus or MSI's own graphics switching?
The first review just came in for the i5 version at newegg: - MSI X460DX-006US Notebook Intel Core i5 2410M(2.30GHz) 14" 6GB Memory 500GB HDD 7200rpm DVD Super Multi NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M
Seems promising... but I really want to know about how well this beauty manages heat and if it throttles
Oh, and a professional/more detailed review would be nice. -
I'm keeping my eye on the Asus K53 from Best Buy for $450. A6-3400m with 6650m GPU. Should be able to overclock quite nicely and for $450 how can you beat that?
ASUS - Laptop / AMD A-Series Processor / 15.6" Display / 4GB Memory / 500GB Hard Drive - Brown Suit - K53TA-BBR6 -
Pretty sweet deal.
But my eyes are still set on a 14" with i5/ Nvidia 540m -
I've been lurking everywhere looking for a review. Nothing yet -
I just bought the AMD K53 online, will pick it up from Best Buy tomorrow and post a review in the next couple of days.
Check out this thread though, some good info there. -
Good news is posted an article saying it was released, I smell a review soon : )
Bad news is it's out of stock on newegg : ( I hope they restock quickly. -
I emailed amazon asking when they would get it in stock and got a response that was pretty much "I don't know". So that didn't help much... is supposed to get them in stock tomorrow. -
If you guys are looking for a thinner and lighter version of the k53ta, the k43ta is due to be out... eventually.
All I need is 1 review saying the x460dx doesn't throttle... I really want to buy this laptop soon <,<
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Virtually any notebook will throttle when on battery power.
Any news on the x460?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by jacob_s, Jul 28, 2011.