Hi, I have a spare Dell adapter for a precision M6600 and I wanted to use it to charge the MSI GE60 whitebook that I just purchased. Is there any way to do that? I know the plugs are different but I was wondering if there was any such "adapter" you could use to make it work.
Thanks guys
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Typically no. Even the universal adapters that have switchable tips are affixed to one end of the adapter that's not interchangeable. You can use a universal adapter if you find one, but it's generally advised you use OEM products, since it's hard to tell sometimes what you're getting yourself into with third party components.
Also, you need to take the power rating of the adapter and the system requirement into play. Volts and watts play a vital component in this - not just whether the tip will fit the DC jack.
Hope that helps! If there are adapters out there somewhere, maybe someone can point you to one. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Usually the only durable way involves opening the brick and soldering in a cable with the correct end but dell supplies can have a 3rd pin for data transfer that the brick can be unhappy about being unconnected.
Thanks guys. I was considering ghetto rigging it by stripping off the connector on the dell adapter and then eletrical taping the unversal adapter to it ... but not sure how that would really work of if it's even safe to do. I guess I'd just buy another OEM adapter. I have Lenovo and Dell laptops too so that's what sucks ... hate having to unplug and replug every time I get away from my desktop.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You are best off getting another adapter
A lot less hassle.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Thanks guys. Do you know if this 9 cell battery will work for the GE60 whitebook?
New Laptop for Battery Mitac 442682800015 9 Cell | eBay
It says its on the qualified parts list on MSI's website for the GE60 whitebook but I don't know how accurate it is. the 3 hr battery life with the 6 cell sucks. My Dell M4700 had 5+ hours on the 9 cell and that felt really nice. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Ive not heard of an extended battery. 3rd party ones tend to be less reliable though.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
If it's listed as compatible per MSI, then chances are it will work. But I agree with Meaker; reliability is another story, and it's kind of a shot in the dark when you go with third party.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Maybe get a second official one or look into setting up the power saving to get as much as you can.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Contact your original reseller, they should be able to sell you one.
I've been using a generic universal 120W adapter with my GT60 when I am out & about (I keep the gigantic 180W OEM brick at home). The 120W brick seems to work okay for non-intensive computing, though the universal tip I'm using isn't quite as snug as it should be and loses contact sometimes.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes if a loose connection moves around it's not just the physical wear to the plug but also the sparking you will get.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Lol, treat her good man, if you want to continue getting sweet performance
Any adapters for power supply?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by MibuWolf, Feb 27, 2013.