I've had this laptop for a little over 8 months and its been working great. But recently an annoying clicking is coming from my laptop. I know it can't be the hard drive (clicking isn't coming from the Hard Drive bay). It seems to be coming from the area by the heatsink. Is it a dead or dying processor fan or something? Can I RMA it or return to the seller?
I have a clicking come from left of my touchpad every now and then (VERY randomy, sometimes it wont do it for a month, others it will do it 3x in a day)
ive never had a performance impact because of this
edit: i also have a gx620 (10months old) -
I have the same problem, a clicking sound comes from the left side of my computer from time to time.
The only other part of the laptop that uses moving parts is the dvd drive. Does it sound like it could possibly be that?
Or maybe the clicking cound isn't caused by moving parts? -
Yea, cd rom drive is on right side of laptop (facing it),and sound is coming from left side, even with audio off.
Does it sound like it is being caused by a moving part? Or an internal speaker?
its your hdd.
Ya I figure it's the harddrive, but why and how can I stop it?
HDD or your speakers popping when the fan kicks in, but i could be wrong, im not having issues like this.
Hard drive click of doom prehaps? what model is it? -
My external HDD makes some loud cd skipping noise every other day after it fell on the floor , but still in good working order
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Stop it? Many creative ways- bash it, melt it, run it over, target practice.
LOL, some viable options right there
If it is the hard drive, then there is nothing you can do about it. A clicking sound is usually the hdd dropping sectors.
Just buy a new one, back up your old one, or if you leave it long enough you could risk losing everything if it dies. -
If it's from the left side, It's just the magnet there shifting.
I hope so, that's where it is and it doesn't always happen, only sometimes
Annoying Clicking sound coming from my GX620.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Rohirm, Oct 26, 2009.